Host: Mike Ahern;
Producer: Jim Simmons;
Segment Producers: Kevin Finch, Ted Green, Gary Quigg, Gary Weir & Marguerite Thomas;
Associate Producers: Viki Anderson, Bryan Boyd, Jennifer Creeger, Aric Hartvig & Bob Williams;
Director of Videography: Chris Elberfeld;
Videographers: Chris Capper, Bill Fisher, Frank Konermann, Robert McDermott, Curt Piar, Jerry Prince, Leigh Underwood, Andrew Warren & Andy Young;
Editors: Brad Hoehner, Sean Donelson, Pete Saetre, David Tarr, Jerry Prince & Andrew Warren;
Production Assistants: Brandon Ahern, Amir Durakovic, Joey Martin & Holly Moore;
Announcer: Scott Hoke;
Closed Catptioning: Donna Clark;
Research Assistancd: Mark Costello, Myke Perrey, Bonna Ware, Brian C. Paul & Jessica Smith;
Production Funding: Kyle Travers, Lynn Dimond, Barbara Duke Sams, Julie Apple & Tracy Mitchell;
Director of Production Operations: David DeMunbrun;
Transcriptions: Chase Bauer & Ryck Stein;
New Media Coordination: Chris Bowman, Jennifer Jones & Brad Hoehner;
Vice President of Engineering: Steve Jensen;
Executive Vice President: Alan Cloe;
Executive Producer: Clayton Taylor;