Conway Library Tape Twenty-Three
April 1985
Log Sheet/metadata
Tape log from 1/23
00:10 First Day of Spring at Ceasar’s Creek State Park 4/20/85 (1:48)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, Mike Conway-reporter, Russ Larish,-photographer
Boyce & Hart “Out and About”
02:04 Dayton Youth Gangs set piece 4/24/85 (2:20)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, 11pm news, Carl Day-anchor, Mike Conway-reporter
Andy Hignite-photographer
Police Chief Tyree Broomfield -Dayton Police Dept.
04:25 Dayton Youth Gangs pkg 4/25/85 (2:09)
WKEF-TV 22 Alives, 11:30am, Johnny Walker-anchor
Mike Conway, reporter, Andy Hignite-photographer
06:50 Sweet Potato Ridge Fatal Live Shot 5/14/85 (1:25)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, newscast open, 5:30pm, Carl Day-anchor
Mike Conway-reporter, Paula Leppo-photographer
08:00 Kroger Workers set piece 5/14/85 (2:15)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, Carl Day-anchor
Mike Conway-reporter, Paula Leppo-photographer
10:20 WTWO-TV News Promotion 1/84 (:30)
Johnny Palmer, Mark Allen, Debbie Reynolds
Revolving Door -parody of all the firings at WTHI-TV
10:55 WTWO-TV News Promotion 1/84 (:30)
-parody of above promotion
11:35 Grandview Hospital small fire live shot 5/17/85 (:55)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News -Carl Day-anchor
Mike Conway-reporter, Paula Leppo-photographer
Brief shot of reporter Dan Tambellini
12:30 United Airlines Possible Strike -live 5/17/85 (1:10)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, 11pm Carl Day-anchor
Mike Conway-reporter, Paula Leppo-photographer
13:42 Hunger Fast kick-off Live Shot 5/18/85 (1:40)
Ambassador from Sierra Leone
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, Carl Day-anchor
Mike Conway-reporter, Paula Leppo-photographer
15:27 I-75 Construction, Part One live shot 5/24/85 (2:45)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, Carl Day-anchor
Reporter-Mike Conway, photographers Andy Hignite, Russ Larish
(traffic looks very close on live shot)
18:20 I-75 Construction -Part Two 5/25/85 (2:12)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News
Mike Conway-reporter, Andy Hignite, Russ Larish-photographer
20:45 Beavercreek Recall set piece 5/28/85 (2:20)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, Carl Day-anchor
Mike Conway, reporter, Andy Hignite-photographer
Mayor Ben O’Diam, Beavercreek
Explosive meeting
Quick shot of reporter Lori Webster
23:15 Winter Pizza Delivery 2/13/85 (1:30)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, Mike Conway-reporter, Andy Hignite-photographer
Domino’s Pizza
24:57 WANE-TV Bloopers -Fort Wayne
-Ken Owen on set as guy messes w/ logo behind him
-Noreen Lauer
-Vince Robinson
-Rick Dawson arguing with citizen
27:31 -First Day of Spring pkg -Rob Dauber WANE-TV
28:45 -St. Patrick’s Day -reporter Vince Robinson WANE-TV
Katy’s Kaper Bar
30:20 Barbara Kerr at the Beach 6/6/85 (1:47)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, Carl Day-anchor
Barbara Kerr-reporter, Richard Penner-photographer
“The Beach” in Mason, OH
Dayton Mayor Paul Leonard
Janet McGill-weather
32:13 Fayette County Plane Crash -phone live 6/13/85 (1:22)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, Carl Day-anchor, 5:30pm
Newscast open
East of Xenia near I-71
33:45 Oakwood Inventors -kids and their inventions 5/30/85 (1:32)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News
Includes blue salt so people w/ high blood pressure can see and avoid it
Mike Conway, reporter Andy Hignite-photographer
---Series of stories from WTHR-TV, Indianapolis
35:25 “None for the Road” 1983 Probe Unit -excerpts (5:30)
Drinking & Driving issues
Joe Jackson music
-2nd Place Nat’l NPPA contest
WTHR-TV, Indianapolis, Cameron Harper-anchor
41:02 “Shelter of Shame” 1984 Probe Unit (2:00)
WTHR-TV, Indianapolis
Substandard housing in Indy, public housing
Tom Cochrun, reporter
(just the opening part of the series)
43:05 Indianapolis Colt’s Ron Solt Bird Hunting (2:16) 1984
WTHR-TV, Indianapolis, Bill Reilly-photographer
45:22 Air Balloons 1984 (1:50)
WTHR-TV, Indianapolis, Bill Reilly, Kris Bilyeu
47:17 Bird Dogs competition, Amo, IN (1:30)
WTHR-TV, Indianapolis, Mark Harmon-reporter, Bill Reilly-photographer
(video problems)
48:50 Beavercreek Fourth of July Parade -dead Marine 7/4/85 (2:30)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, Carl Day-anchor, Mike Conway-reporter,
Andy Hignite-photographer
Bruce Springsteen “Independence Day”
51:42 (same story, better video quality)
Beavercreek Fourth of July Parade -dead Marine 7/4/85 (2:30)
WKEF-TV 22 Alive News, Carl Day-anchor, Mike Conway-reporter,
Andy Hignite-photographer
Bruce Springsteen “Independence Day”
54:15 Mad River Police Chief -set piece and newscast open 7/8/85 (2:26)
Chief Curtis Middleton, Mad River Police Dept.
One trustee promised to fire the chief but didn’t have enough support
56:50 Bancroft Fatal Fire -dramatic video 7/17/85 (1:44)
Reporter Mike Conway, photographer Andy Hignite
One child died and others were rescued.