Conway Library Tape Eleven
Log Sheet/metadata
Tape log from 12/22
PART ONE------------------------
00:10 WTHI Weekend Sports 7/17/83
Anne Ryder, anchor. Mike Conway, sports
British Open golf -Tom Watson victory (interview)
Cincinnati Reds -Johnny Bench home run
NASCAR -Dale Earnhardt
4:15 Tapes of Wrath
Radio-Television Correspondents Association blooper tape
Don Henley’s “Dirty Laundry” with newscast bloopers
Various clips of Ronald Reagan in movies
James Watt, Frank Reynolds, Nancy Reagan, George Bush
Capitol Hill Blues: bloopers from House & Senate, Bob Dole, Barry Goldwater
Don Rickles,
Bettina Gregory, bill Plante, Ted Koppel, Irving R. Levine
Sander Vanocur, Bob Schieffer, Sam Donaldson, Leslie Stahl, Jessica Savitch
Carole Simpson, Chris Wallace, Roy Neal, Brett Musburger, Ike Pappas,
Steve Bell,
Michael Nesmith, “Tonite” music video
27:50 Scott Patrick on Late Night with David Letterman
IU student Scott Patrick on the “Brush with Greatness” segment on Late Night with
David Letterman. He met Greg Brady at Kings Island
29:57 TV News Training Tape for Professor Yoakam’s J385 TV News class
(skip this bad video version, look in part two)
PART TWO---------------------------
00:00 TV News Training Tape for Professor Yoakam’s J385 TV News class 1983 (12:00)
Mike Conway, reporter/producer
Megan Byrne, Greg Oldham, Professor Richard Yoakam, Angie Cannon
12:54 WTHI Weekend Sports 7/30/83
Anne Ryder, anchor. Mike Conway, sports
Carl Yastrzemski home run
Steve Garvey misses a game
NFL Hall of Fame game, Steelers-Saints
Hall of Fame class. Sonny Jurgenson (speech),
WTHI Vigo Dodge Rodeo
LPGA U.S. Women’s Open
PGA Canadian Open
18:00 WTHI Weekend Sports 8/83
Indianapolis Clay Court Tennis -Jimmy Arias (interview)
Indiana Open Golf tournament -Hulman Links
-interview with Bill Schumaker (’82 Indiana Open champ)
Hulman Links course suffering from drought, Ray Goddard, T.H. Golf Dir. Interview
23:20 CBS News Promo 8/83
23:45 WTHI Blooper 8/4/83
During a commercial break, Bob Koob shows up on screen
24:30 Scotty’s Waterbed Warehouse commercial 8/83
Memorable Terre Haute commercial
25:08 WTHI Legendary No Camera Sportscast 8/7/83
Anne Ryder, anchor. Mike Conway, sports. Mark Burnett, director. Bart Pearce
Both of the big studio cameras broke, so they mounted a field camera on a tripod for
the newscast. In the commercial break before sports, the videotape machine that played commercials also broke. Then, the only working camera in the studio fell off the tripod. They tried to get the camera back on tripod but the zoom mechanism had broken.
This clip includes the director track audio to hear what the crew was trying to do.
Britt Airways commercial