00:14-02:00: Frank Anderson, democrat, running for Sheriff of Marion County;
02:00-07:02: The Investigators: Nicole Richards, gymnast who was paralyzed in a car accident, struggling to get financial medical support through Medicaid;
07:45-10:59: Olympics Iceskating, Kim Seybold brain surgery;
11:00-13:43: The Investigators: Indianapolis Training Center under investigation for abuse allegations, and it's ties to local courts;
13:44-15:39: The Investigators: Seven counts of mail fraud against Gene E. Tomey, a Major in Marion County Sheriff's Department-a billing scheme, where he charged his employers for equipment for personal use. Tomey entered a guilty plea but was able to quietly retire with full benefits;
15:40-15:58: (partial) Search for arsonist in Indianapolis;
18:14-22:31: Eyewitness News: Consumer Investigation with used cars-some sellers ended up without money or car;
22:51-24:54: Parking in Indianapolis, ignoring parking restrictions & fines;
24:55-25:59: Search for new Executive Director of Indianapolis Humane Society. Marcia Spring resigned after an investigation on her credit card use;
26:00-26:24: Month long internet sting, involving graphic pornography;
26:25-26;49: Tax restructuring bill up for a vote;
26:50-27:09: Conseco Field House lost $65 million in 4th quarter last year, blames recession;
27:10:31:03: Update on Nicole Richards: Muncie healthcare provider agrees to help. Karen Wells from Cardinal Health System;
31:07-34:50: Indianapolis prepares for winter weather & clearing snow from roads;
34:51-36:30: Ten Commandments-U.S. Supreme Court ruled against a Ten Commandments monument on government property;
36:31-41:32: The Investigators: ITC investigation continues;
44:51-48:31: Eyewitness News: Developing tax and budget plan by increasing taxes; IPS $250 Million to renovate and improve schools and build new schools; negotiating teacher contracts;
48:32-48:48: Jury selection for the trial of a man charged with smothering his own son to get revenge against his wife;
48:49-54:24: Deadbeat Justice-Broken system of child support, how the child support system fails;
55:22-Eyewitness News: Tourism Campaign in Indianapolis, attracting more tourism in Indianapolis; Email virus involving the governor's email; Internet privacy; Ohio executed Alton Coleman after he committed multiple murders across the midwest;
01:00:35-01:04:52: The Investigators: Safety of Children, update on Deadbeat Justice-not paying child support;
01:06:53-01:12:11: Eyewitness News: The Investigators: Consumer Investigation-targeting new graduates at Midwest Alliance;
01:19:56-01:25:47: Indianapolis Motor Speedway
01:25:46-(partial) NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw: Highjacking Threat
Producers: Gerry Lanosga & Kathleen Johnston