News Director: Bob Gamble;
Executive Producer: Bill Skroko;
Producers: Lyn Letsinger-Miller, Roger Manning, Jim Bowdon, Bill Gladish & Teresa Metal;
Directors: Don Baker, Kurt Swadener, Anne Lewon Seidler & Tom Alvarez;
Assignment Editor: Tom Read;
Video Tape: Henry Anderson, Odes Robinson, Ron Hanson, Frank Greenwald & Ulrich Harte;
Photographers: Dick Baldwin, Lowell Davis, Dave Garlock, Ralph Grant, Mike Grimes, Leo Miller, Bill Seward, Jim Simmons, Bob Sprouls, Vern Veal, Dan Wills, Robert Neul & Tom Sisler;
Editors: Kevin Caraher, Bob Krumb & Bill Russell;
Principal Reporters: Howard Caldwell, Clyde Lee & Gerry Dick;
Reporters: Barbara Boyd, Norman Cox, Reid Duffy, Tracey Horth, Sy Jenkins, Linda Lupear, Barbara Love, Marilyn Mitzel & Ben Morriston;
Investigative Team: Ray Bredemann, Mindy Mintz & Andy Kokas;
Sports: Tom Carnegie, Ken Double & Brian Hammons;
Meteorologists: Bob McLain & David James;
Editorial Editor: Susan Conner;
Engineering: Richard Tellman;
Engineering Supervisors: Jim Hume, Gary Terhune, Linn Boyd & Oliver Seidler;
Technical Directors: Keith A. Hill, Gene Hull & Theresa Malaby;
Audio: Jerry Cooper & Mike Reeves;
Video Tape: Henry Anderson, Odes Robinson, Ron Hanson, Frank Greenwald & Ulrich Harte;
Master Control: Paul Castagnoli, Larry Brenner & Mike Cliver;
Insta-Cam Engineers: Steve Russell & Tim Boling;
Skycam Pilot: Ed Ewing;
Electronic Graphics: Cynthia Reese, Betty Allen & Beth Bueltmann;
Graphics: Pam Helms, Gary Beasley & Lisa Nelson;
Studio Camera: McKinzie, Don, Tex Kline, Kent Yoder, John Shafer, Clint Allen & Jim Hoke;
Floor Directors: Harold Stevenson, John Bradberry, Vicki Priest, Robert Barker, Cindy Bell, Dessa Samardzija & Chari Fisher;
Newscast and celebration of Howard’s 25th year at The News
Video: 1:03:48
Other Identifier: IBHA.HCC.0003
(Notes by Zak Ibrahim, J470 Broadcast Media Analysis, Spring 2022 )
Synopsis: This video features two full Channel 6 newscasts and the first segment of a third. The second newscast concludes with a tribute to Howard Caldwell for his 25 years with the station.
0:03- People doing aerobics workouts outside featuring Colts linebacker Gary Pagent and Quarterback Mark Herman
0:15- Two anchormen seated at their desks on the set of “The News” telling us sports are next to come
0:25- A “coming up” graphic appears showing the upcoming baseball highlights, transitions into a commercial break
0:29- Commercial about Termites?
0:40- Club Foods commercial
0:43- Kings island commercial promoting the “King Cobra” rollercoaster
1:12- McDonalds’s commercial promoting the Filet-o-fish, “Gone fishin” promo
1:40- WRTV Indianapolis logo appears…”the number one newscast in the state”
1:49- Camera takes you through an animated version of downtown Indianapolis
2:04- WRTV logo with, “The News Tonight”
2:05- Greg Todd appears on camera telling us about the Indianapolis 500
2:13- Footage of the race, specifically the only crash that took place. Todd details the specifics of how it happened
2:32- Greg Todd back on camera telling us about concerning amounts of smoke in the air in northwest Indiana
2:40- Rock Island Refinery (5000 W. 86th St.) depicted as the source of that smoke
3:01- Greg Todd on camera with a graphic of a car accident above his right shoulder
3:07- Taped footage of the scene of the car accident on state road 67, showing the damage to both cars involved in the accident
3:27- Possibly the driver being transported on a stretcher to the hospital?
4:00- Todd details the specifics of two murders taking place. Both victims are Indianapolis residents
4:50- We’re shown a VO detailing Salt Lake City residents efforts to hault the flooding of local canals which could cause damage. They’re using sand bags to do so (Tom Schell is the reporter)
6:32- Greg Todd back in the studio reading a story about Lois Clark (the oldest ever IU graduate at 82 years old)
7:05- Lois Clark being interviewed from her home?
Incue: “I saw no difference…”
Outcue: “…Same as the youngest one in the class or you’re out right?”
This story was fascinating to me, Channel 6 first showed her pictures from her first days at IU in 1918. Then finishing with actual footage of her graduation as the oldest graduate ever.
7:26- Footage of Butler university graduates, among them is Howard Caldwell who received an honorary degree
7:50- Todd reads a story about the largest winning lottery amount in North American history but nobody has come forward to claim it (each winner receives $5.5 million in annual installments)
8:13- Todd previews a segment about women’s power lifting
8:19- Tom Raper RV commercial
9:24- Kodiak smokeless tobacco commercial
9:48- Promo for the show Taxi
10:15- Todd back in studio detailing speculation about a lack of Russian participants at the Olympics in Los Angeles
10:28- Todd throws it the report on a bodybuilding competition in Indianapolis
10:31- Screen goes black
10:40- Clyde Lee appears on-camera to bring us a channel 6 news brief
11:04- Another sudden change in programming brings us back to an anchor desk where Howard Caldwell is seated on the right?
11:33- Commercial for Ruffles
11:58- Pizza Hut commercial
13:10- Back to WRTV intro before “The News Tonight” with Howard Caldwell
13:25- Clyde Lee talks about democratic presidential candidate Gary Hart paying a visit to central Indiana
13:38- A VO by Norman Cox reports Hart’s visit to Anderson, Indiana
14:22- Hart being interviewed, asked why trade barriers for foreign cars should be implemented
14:30- Hart his main concern is our country’s agricultural imports and exports
15:36- Howard Caldwell in studio detailing multiple political stories surrounding Ronald Regan
16:40- Solo shot of Caldwell talking about Great Britain taking over the Libyan embassy in London in search of weapons
16:47- B-roll of the search of the building
17:16- Clyde Lee back on camera talking about an Indianapolis couple who’s 17 month old child died after a doctor failed to detect the severity of the child’s injuries
18:15- A story on a new hospital opening in Montgomery County
18:26- Derrick Thomas reports the details
19:01- Thomas interviews Gary Rowe (Hospital Executive Director) Rowe says the charges for care and service of patients will be comparable to years past
19:25- Montgomery County Resident Frank Howard believes the costs of care are way too high
20:37- Lee and Caldwell back in the studio send it to break
20:47- “coming up” how the state is using new funds to keep drunk drivers off the roads
21:03- “Dow Jones Industries” graphic, don’t know what the numbers mean
21:10- Commercial ad for beauty products
21:37- Toro commercial featuring an endorsement by Arnold Palmer
22:05- Peter Eckrich sausage commercial
22:35- Back to Howard Caldwell talking about a new grant Marion County has received and is using to crack down on drunk driving
24:26- Clyde Lee on camera throws to a story about a family in need
24:34- Video of the family in their home on 2002 Brookside ave.
24:41- Reporter Tracey Horth doing a standup, explaining the many challenges the impoverished family has faced
25:59- Interview with Corp. Jeanette Bacon who has offered her number for people wanting to help the poor family
26:14- Clyde Lee details economic growth in the state of Indiana
26:40- Howard Caldwell talks about a funeral being held for a recently passed away jazz musician and previews the weather forecast for the coming week
28:50- Meteorologist Bob McLain makes his first appearance, takes the audience through projections of wind, rain, snow, humidity and of course the highs and lows
34:37- Ken Double as the desk takes us through the Colts draft day expectations
35:50- The program shifts to a different report, Mayor William Hudnut speaks to reporters, something about daycare?
37:29- Commercial break
39:15- Bob McLain with more weather reports, sunshine on the way
42:50- Commercial break
45:00- Ken Double back with more sports, Indianapolis Colts updates plus MLB, NBA and NHL highlights
48:24- Commercial break
50:25- Clyde and Howard return, Clyde tells Howard to forget the story they were orginally going to do because he has a surprise for him…
50:45- The surprise is a compilation video featuring Howard’s original audition for Channel 6 and many more details and clips about how Howard became one of the station’s most beloved newsmen. Clyde Lee provides the narration?
52:54-Incue: “I think someone has been up cleaning up an attic…” Howard Caldwell’s initial reaction to the tribute video for him played on the air towards the end of the newscast.
Outcue: “That’s about all I can say at this moment”
What I found interesting was how they put Caldwell on the spot to give a reaction when there was less than a minute left in the newscast.
I thought Caldwell did the best he could with the limited time that he had and was as eloquent as he always was.
53:36- Commercial break
54:51- Ted Carple welcomes us to “Nightline”
55:07- Suddenly back to commercials
56:07- Welcomed back to WRTV and greeted by Howard Caldwell
56:35- First appearance on-camera for Jack Rinehart during The News
56:58- A VO on transportation laws narrated by Rinehart
1:00:09- Clyde Lee is back talking Indiana state police
1:01:00- Caldwell back on-camera details a story of murder in Hanover, IN and a court case
1:30:00- Clyde Lee shares a story of Indiana’s White Water park is being built and funded by the state as they break new ground
1:02:43- Lee tosses to Tony Sargent who has a story on the countries current unemployment rate and a breakdown of it all
1:03:40- Lee and Caldwell tease the next segment coming up on Channel 6…
1:03:48- End
Newscast and celebration of Howard's 25th year at The News
Video (1:58:00, 1:03:48-End)
Other Identifier: IBHA.HCC.0003
(Notes by Garrod Creech, J470 Broadcast Media Analysis, Spring 2022 )
This is a newscast that touches on political races, the upcoming Indy 500, and what the festivities surrounding it mean for Indiana. It was also the celebration of Howard Caldwell’s 25th year on the job.
1:03:48 Tom Raper TV commercial starts
1:04:18 Break Free commercial starts
1:04:47 Glidden House Paint commercial starts
1:05:16 Hardees commercial starts
1:05:47 Newscast starts, Clyde Lee reporting on Gary Heart presidential campaign
1:06:19 Still on Clyde Lee, two Purdue professors expected Jessie Jackson to benefit from higher than normal voter turnout in certain counties
1:06:48 Cut to Howard Caldwell who starts talking about the Republican race for governor in Indiana
1:07:00 Cut to Governor Robert Orr giving a speech with Norman Cox reporting via voiceover he’ll have a challenger in former treasurer John Snyder says Snyder’s campaign is based largely in attacking Orr and Snyder hasn’t given many specifics on how his he’ll enact his proposed policies
1:07:52 Cut to interview with Snyder as voiceover leads into a quote about Orr having lied in the past I think interview conducted by Norman Cox
1:08:29 Cut to interview with Robert Orr (again by Cox), Orr dismisses the run as vindictive and pointless, Cox says few expect Snyder to win but Orr still concerned about his image
1:09:06 Cut back to Howard Caldwell in the newsroom, starts talking about a controversy between mayor William Hudnut and local radio station
1:09:23 Clip plays of three figures claiming to be Ron Jordan, including Colt’s quarterback, with radio logo on a wall behind them
1:09:32 Caldwell says the clip has been pulled at the mayor’s request as it continues playing
1:09:47 Cut back to Caldwell and he finishes the story
1:09:56 Cut to Clyde Lee who starts talking about how bad tornado season has been
1:10:07 Tossed to David James who talks about a dangerous gulf coast jet stream that is moving upwards
1:11:16 Back to a wide shot with both Caldwell and Lee, transition newscast to Gerry Dick reporting at the Speedway
1:11:24 Cut to Dick, says news about upcoming events will be coming up soon on the show
1:11:34 Graphic shows a dog and says break dancing dogs are coming later
1:11:42 Ayres (swimsuit) commercial starts
1:12:13 Chemlawn Carpet Cleaning commercial starts
1:12:42 Toyota Commercial starts
1:13:13 Taking Advantage Commercial Starts
1:13:42 Back to Caldwell, starts talking about the Speedway again
1:13:57 Cut to Gerry Dick, starts talking about opening day activities,
1:14:24 Cut to Brian Hammons voiceover with B roll of the speedway
1:14:52 Start of Howdy Holmes interview, he expects track speeds to be quick
1:15:16 Transition to interview with Johnny Rutherford, talks about having a rough go of it lately but says he’ll be alright
1:15:36 Cut to more voiceover and B roll about new amenities being added to the track included more stands/suites
1:15:57 cut to Hammons on sight in empty stands, closes story out
1:16:08 Back to Dick who talks about race activities in town
*1:16:28 Transition to a story about annual Mayor’s breakfast, first major event at the Hoosier Dome, 500 festival nations largest non-profit festival event
1:17:09 Cut to interview with Andy Lacy who talks about sports teams town pride and parade
1:17:42 Cut to B roll of parade and money, a voiceover by Dick offers parade info and talks about how much the city is benefitting from all the festivities
1:18:08 Back to Dick who talks to Bob Snyder about Children’s Day
1:19:27 Interview ends, Indy 500 story closed out
1:19:40 back to Caldwell and Lee who bounce around to other reporters to talk about what’s left in the broadcast
1:20:18 Earnest Commercial
1:20:48 GE Silicon Commercial
1:21:18 Target Commercial
1:21:48 Indy 500 news coverage ad
1:22:18 Cut to Ken Double with Indy 500 graphic in the background who talks about gas prices and how busy the town is
1:22:40 Tom Carnegie talks about unique cars at the Speedway, focus on Primus car and team
1:23:12 Interview by Tom of Lee Kunzman, Primus manager who talks about tough
competition and steep prices, closes story out with a voiceover
1:24:23 back to Ken Double who starts talking about horse racing, 110th Kentucky Derby is the next day
1:24:32 Go to Derby B roll with voiceover, story on Vanlandingham by Kelly Daily
1:25:39 Back to Double, transitions to college basketball
1:26:00 Cut to Brian Hammons in Market Square Arena interviewing Coach Ray Meyer
1:27:00 Meyer talks about coaching the Allstar game
1:27:28 Meyer says he isn’t interested in the NBA, happily retired
1:27:56 Interview ends and story closed out
1:28:03 Back to double who talks about hockey scores
1:28:36 Baseball scores (Cubs Win!)
1:29:28 Cut to angled shot of double with the other two main anchors and he finishes sports
1:29:38 Caldwell and Lee send to commercial
1:29:55 McDonald’s commercial starts
1:30:24 Tire America commercial
1:30:54 The Hartford commercial
1:31:24 Oldsmobile commercial
1:31:55 back to the news, Clyde Lee starts talking about volunteer firemen story
1:32:13 Cut to Putnam County B Roll and Lee voiceover, the fire department is going private instead of volunteer
1:33:13 Stephen Pierson (attorney) says if citizens don’t want to pay, they won’t be helped by firemen
1:34:07 B roll of neighboring Greencastle, who say they support the switch but will be happy to drive to the other town to put out fires if they have to, Clyde Lee closes out story from there
1:34:23 back to Howard Caldwell
1:34:58 Lee and James discuss the weather in a wide shot before transitioning to commercials
1:35:10 Block’s commercial
1:35:20 Shell commercial
1:35:49 Eckrich commercial
1:36:21 Rtv commercial
1:36:51 James starts talking about the weather with graphics
1:40:08 today's weather lead into weekend weather expectations
1:40:43 close weather report
1:40:47 Caldwell sends to transition
1:40:53 series of various stock movements displayed on graphics with music playing
1:41:05 Housemart commercial
1:41:35 Camaro commercial
1:42:03 Ortho weed-B-Gone commercial
1:42:33 Entertainment Tonight commercial
1:43:03 Caldwell starts news again, starts talking about Park Tudor Houses
1:43:20 Barbara Boyd went on tours, starts voiceover with B roll of Dillon Residence
1:44:04 transition to talking about Tauscher Residence with more B roll
1:44:49 Young residence
1:45:15 Boyd closes out the story
1:45:21 Back to Lee in the newsroom who starts talking about breakdancing dogs
1:45:33 Cut to Boston Terrier Breakdance story, owners say its good exercise
1:46:50 close out story
1:46:53 wide shot of Lee and Caldwell again sending to break
1:46:57 Peter Jennings hints at World News
1:47:15 York air conditioning commercial
1:47:43 JCPenney, Wrangler, Indy 500 Sweepstakes
1:48:12 Levitz commercial
1:48:43 Wendy’s commercial
1:49:13 Back to Lee
1:49:23 Reid Duffy Movie review of “The Bounty”
1:49:45 closes story
1:51:47 Caldwell talks about what will be on the news later
1:51:51 More weather talk with James and Lee
1:52:14 Sports news later with shot on Double and Caldwell
*1:52:24 Lee starts talking about celebrating Caldwell
1:52:26 Old footage of Caldwell giving the news in black and white is shown as Lee launches into a rundown of Caldwell’s backstory and experience, the voiceover is mixed with other B Roll that includes old interviews, buildings, and career highlights
1:53:06 “congratulations on 25 years”
1:53:07 Caldwell says he’s lucky to have worked with the people he has
1:53:15 Lee closes out the show
1:53:25 Credits roll as news footage and music plays in the background
1:54:38 Ogle-Tucker commercial
1:54:48 GE Silicon commercial
1:55:17 Channel 6 commercial
1:55:58 Peter Jennings World News begins, he starts talking about Salvadorian politics
1:56:26 Cut to war B roll of El Salvador with an Anne Garrels voiceover saying the government is being aggressive fighting guerilla fighters, the country is dangerous
1:58:18 story close out and end of video