Political talk show discussing Governor Mitch Daniels' current policies and policy proposals.
Producer: Jim Shella;
Director: Pete Kaiser;
Line Producer: Chris Wendel;
Audio: Frank Konermann;
Video Engineers: Chuck Abraham & Rodney Myers;
Talent Support: Karen Lee;
Studio Cameras: Aric Hartvig, Chris Elberfeld & Dan Starkey;
Teleprompter: Collin Brownlee;
Director of Engineering: Steve Jensen;
Director of Production: David Demunbrun
Indiana Week in Review
Video (24:40)
Other Identifier: IBHA.HCC.0104
Notes by Katy Simpson, J470 Broadcast Media Analysis, Spring 2022
Jim Shella hosts Indiana Weekend in Review panel with four guests. They discuss various topics, including Gary residents protesting the scheduled closing of a Gary license branch, various Indiana counties requesting a time zone switch, the 60 day tax amnesty period, the senate judiciary committee questioning chief justice nominee John Roberts, and the Solheim cup in Carmel.
00:01: video starts, shows Jim Shella speaking with 4 people next to him as camera zooms into Shella, says that there was a statehouse rally this week to protest a planned license branch closing by Daniels administration
00:12: footage of protestors marching with signs plays, Shella narrates that about 200 individuals came to statehouse from Gary to protest, want the Gary license branch to stay open, footage of protestors sitting inside statehouse plays, narrator states there were 2 days of negotiations
00:26: footage of man identified as Gary Mayor Scott King plays, King says its essential that everyone in Gary has the same access as everyone else in Indiana has, footage of protestors holding signs shows again
00:54: cuts back to Shella and the Indiana Week in Review panel, discuss whether Daniels administration gave into political pressure
01:00: Shella introduces each panel member, camera shows them individually as they are introduced, consists of democrat Ann Delaney, republican Mike McDaniel, statehouse bureau chief for the Louisville Courier Journal Lesley Stedman Weidenbener, columnist for the Indianapolis Star John Ketzenberger
01:17: Shella asks Delaney if protestors from Gary got that they wanted, Delaney discusses how closing fifth largest city and keeping largest one open is politically motivated, McDaniel strongly disagrees, says it is second highest expensive operation in Indiana, says democrats just want to be mad about something in the administration, they debate, Weidenberger doesn’t think governor caved to pressure
04:27: discussion of whether intimidation from protestors is what got them to not close branch, Ketzenberger says no
05:20: discussion of whether Mayor King gets credit for keeping branch open, they all agree
05:50: Shella changes topic to discuss that 17 Indiana counties requested switch from eastern time zone to central time zone, footage of interview with governor Mitch Daniels plays, says he agrees this switch would be good so there will only be 2 time zones in Indiana
*06:29: switches back to panel, discuss whether the time zone controversy will pass easily, Delaney says Daniels promised one time zone, McDaniel says she is making this up, discuss which counties will change time zone and challenges that come along with it*
06:29: Incue: “Mike McDaniel, will the time…”
10:13: Outcue: “And I think he didn’t go all the way.”
Length: 3:44
Discuss the number of counties that will change, Weidenbener thinks 12 to 15 will change and Shella agrees, Delaney says issue is with lack of leadership from Governor
10:16: Shella introduces new topic, says governer started a 60 day tax amnesty period that week, footage of state government call center shown, Shella narrates that there are $1.3 billion in outstanding taxes and goal is to collect $65 million
10:41: footage of interview with Governor Daniels plays, says that many of the people who haven’t paid could be innocent but need to collect money due to burden on other taxpayers
10:56: footage of interview with representative Pat Bauer, says how there is a burden on other taxpayers
11:08: cuts back to panel, discuss effectiveness of amnesty program, Ketzenberger says that once amnesty period ends the government is going to need to be more aggressive to collect all taxes from people who didn’t use amnesty program, discuss how the government is being aggressive already
12:28: discuss how there has been no collection of owed taxes because people will wait for amnesty period, believe results from amnesty program will be inflated
13:52: discussion about how people who pay their taxes may be upset by the government’s publicity about amnesty period because they follow the law and those who don’t get off scot free with amnesty period, McDaniel disagrees, says people who pay would rather have the money owed than not
14:34: Shella introduces new topic, says senate judiciary committee questioned the presidents nominee for chief justice John Roberts, many were unhappy on both sides
14:54: footage of Roberts being questioned by senate judiciary committee plays, Shella narrates, states that Roberts did not give specifics
15:23: cuts back to panel, Shella asks if Roberts should have given better answers, members of panel say that they still believe his nomination will go through
16:24: Shella states that Indiana Republicans believe Evan Bayh may be swing vote if it comes to a filibuster, uncertainty about how he will vote
*17:32: disagreement about how Roberts didn’t say what he stands for and whether that’s a good or a bad thing, Delaney says it’s a major issue because he did not answer important questions, whether Bayh will vote for this or not*
17:32: Incue: “You know, its great when…”
18:20: Outcue: “And if he hasn’t, he wont”
Length: 0:48
Disagreement about how this is how the system is supposed to work
18:43: Shella introduces new topic about how town of Reynolds will become a model for rural communities because a new plan calls to use renewable energy, shows footage of Reynolds as Shella narrates, says that town will be powered by agricultural based fuels
19:22: switches back to panel, discussion of whether or not plan will work, McDaniel says plan has long term potential, discuss how its great timing due to high gas prices
22:01: Shella introduces new topic about how thousands of golf fans travelled to central Indiana to watch women’s American golf team win the Solheim cup, Shella narrates as footage of tournament plays
22:35: cuts back to panel, discuss how this is great for central Indiana because of positive attention, talk about how tournament was timed for European TV, made Indiana national
23:54: Shella closes the show, identifies panel members again
24:12: music plays, credits roll
24:29: letters IWIR show, narrator thanks sponsor Purdue as Purdue ad appears on screen
24:40: screen goes black, program ends