(00:00-06:16) Investigation on the ability to purchase restricted military materials online;
(06:17-13:06 ) Justice delayed in rape cases backlog that could potentially be solved with DNA testing;
(13:07-20:02) Protecting children-an investigation about child abuse;
(20:03-24:35) Investigating parents of adopted children who have previous records;
(20:36-30:43 ) Background check accuracy;
(30:44-37:09) Surveillance in Bloomington. Report on link between Bloomington, IN and Al-Qaeda Sleeper Cell;
(37:10-39:40) Mitch Daniels arrest for marijuana possession (partial);
(39:41-45:29) BMV investigation. Employees with multiple arrest records;
(45:30-56:30) As Good as New: Reusing medical devices (partial);
Producer: Gerry Lanosga