Broadcast History; Channel 6 History
Channel 6 History
Video (3:24:34)
Notes by Marisol Sanchez, J450 History of Journalism, Fall 2021
-First Section of video, Channel 6 History (IBHA.HCC.0021 — 28:35)
00:06 video starts, Title across the screen “Howard Caldwell returns from India 1966”
00:10 Black and white video of a plane lands
00:15 Two white men (one being Howard Caldwell) come out of the plane while they play harmonicas
00:35 Caldwell hugs and kisses his wife
1:00 They all leave the scene
1:20 It cuts to the next scene, where two people are recorded riding their bikes in a neighborhood then turns to record an older man (Mr. Larkin) rocking on a chair
2:00 Mr. Larkin and a women reporter come inside his house
2:20 The phone rings and Mr. Larkin answers the phone call
3:00 The reporter starts interviewing Mr. Larkin and asks “What does telecom mean to you? What has it done to you?”
3:25 Mr. Larkin replies, “Well it means a lot to me because if I happen to fall and hurt myself, I got somebody to find out automatically if I don’t answer the phone. In the last four years I fell four or five and hurt myself and if I’d fall down in the basement now before I had (the phone?) ide stay there for a week and nobody would know it.”
3:40 Mr. Larkin playing with his dog
4:15 A clip of Howard Caldwell interviewing the coach of the Indiana Basketball team talking about Harvey
5:10 Black and White advertisements
5:40 Conventions Report by anchor Howard Caldwell, “Good evening, members of the Indiana delegation met in Caucus this afternoon to express concern over a Nixon and Rockefeller platform and the strong possibility of Nixon will name Henry Cabot Lodge as his running mate...”
6:10 Video footage of Herald Handley meeting with Brick Lee with former Indiana Governor, also footage of Nixon banners
6:45 Herald Handley being interviewed, “No I wouldn’t call it a stop anything, we just wanted to get together to discuss the progress of the platform, the vice-presidential candidates …”
9:00 Lieutenant Governor Crawford Parker talks about the meeting between Rockefeller and Nixon
10:30 Advertisements
11:15 Footage Caldwell’s routine in the newsroom before going on air
12:00 Footage of a reporter plowing snow
12:20 Caldwell being interviewed why he didn’t take the job while he was in Hawaii
12:40 Footage of reporter riding a tricycle and hitting the back of a vehicle
13:00 Howdy Good Sports
*13:25 Caldwell is interviewing an older man interviewed about the city of Indianapolis, I’m not sure who it is
27:00 Caldwell and the interviewee are looking through historical pictures