Conway Library Tape Nine
Log Sheet/metadata
Tape log from 12/22
------PART ONE----------
00:00 Scenes from the movie The Jazz Singer w/ Neil Diamond
Love on Rocks
Amazed and Confused
11:30 Nat’l Coaliton of Electric Consumers Meeting 3/12/83
WTHI-TV, Mike Conway, reporter/photographer
National Consumer group met in Merom.
Indiana chapter is suing American Electric Power for $700 million because of a
new plant being constructed at Rockport that the group says isn’t needed. There
is also a power plant in Sullivan County, Breed.
13:10 Anti-Nuclear Power Group Lobbying 3/6/83
WTHI-TV, Mike Conway, reporter/photographer
Wabash Valley Coalition on Peace and Justice members are headed to Washington D.C. to lobby Indiana members of Congress against nuclear power. Group met for breakfast before leaving for D.C.
Interview with Mike Gordon, spokesman for group
14:34 Turtle Creek No Fishing 3/6/83
WTHI-TV, Mike Conway reporter/photographer
Hoosier Energy runs Merom Plant.. wants to enforce the no fishing rule on parts
of the Turtle Creek reservoir where the hot water comes out of the power plant.
15:45 Lawrenceville Basketball Homecoming 3/13/83
WTHI-TV, Mike Conway, reporter/photographer
Victory celebration in the Lawrenceville, IL gym after the team won its second straight state championship. Team has won 68 games in two years.
Coach Ron Felling told the group they were all a big part of the championship
17:25 Saturday Night Live 3/20/83
Who Killed Buckwheat?
Joe Piscopo as Ted Koppel, Eddie Murphy
Tim Kazurinsky as Klaus Barbie
-Nazi favorite tunes: Heil Hits, Nazi Gold
23:30 Bob Ramsey Video Greeting 4/83
Video postcard from WTHI staff to Bob Ramsey who left the station in 1982.
Includes Mike Conway, Ray Shoemaker, Cliff Miracle, Larry Whitlow, Bill Barnhill,
Marty Joseph, Marla Keller, Mark Davidson, Brian Cundiff, Bob Smith, Chris
Minor, Bob Koob, Bob Ramsey reply
42:33 Pitkinville -Rich Hall 5/22/83
43:53 WTHI Sports -Indy 500 Qualifications 5/21/83
6pm Newscast, Dan Day, anchor
Mike Conway’s debut as weekend sports anchor/producer
Teo Fabi Indy 500 Quals
Preakness Stakes
NBA Finals -Lakers – 76ers
Clark Kellogg -Pacers
High School Baseball -Shakamak
Gary H.S. Track Coach punches official
Larry Holmes boxing match
End of newscast
50:53 WTHI Sports -Indy 500 Qualifications 5/21/83
10pm Newscast, Dan Day, Anchor
Teo Fabi -Indy 500 Quals
T.H. North Baseball
Preakness Stakes
Miss Softball America in Terre Haute (partial)
PART TWO --------------------
00:00 WTHI Sports 5/22/83
6pm Newscast, Dan Day, anchor
Indy 500 Qualifications final day
Teo Fabi car owners Forsyth brothers from Marshall ILL
-interview with John & Jerry Forsyth
A. J. Foyt’s dad died
NBA Championship -76ers over Lakers, Game 1
5:21 WTHI Sports 5/22/83
10pm Newscast, Dan Day, anchor
Indy 500 Qualifications
Cubs-Phillies trade