The award-winning WTHR news story on the last surviving great-grandchild of Eli Lilly, founder of Eli Lilly and Company pharmaceutical company. The team investigates the legal disputes associated with those trying to take advantage of Ruth, who was heir to the Lilly family fortune. This video also includes the investigation into the Indianapolis Police Department and officers accused of crimes.
Producers: Kathleen Johnston and Gerry Lanosga
Editor: Bill Ditton
Reporter: Amanda Rosseter and Jeremy Rogalski
Anchor: John Stehr, Anne Ryder, and Debbie Denton
"Guarding the Guardians":
00:00- Black screen
00:08- WTHR news anchor opens a news report segment with an investigative story backdrop.
00:23- The news anchor talks as a vintage photo of Ruth Lilly appears on the screen.
00:35- The screen fades out of Ruth Lily and goes back to the news anchor sitting in his desk.
00:56- We open the investigation with a church organist playing religious hems on the organ.
01:00- The bottom ticker reads: “Producers Kathleen Johnston & Garry Lansoga” while the organ plays.
01:04- B-Roll of Indianapolis church along with b-roll of Monument Circle & plaques reading Lilly’s name.
01:28- Interview with former Indianapolis mayor Stephen Goldsmith.
01:43- The reporter goes in-depth about Lilly’s mental health struggles, according to court
02:00- Audio of Lilly’s stepbrother shows how he controlled Ruth’s finances after being ill.
02:11- B-Roll of the National Bank where Lilly’s money has been stored & in a wheelchair.
02:24- Legal financial documents scattered on a desk as sources looked into her finances.
02:34- Interview with a renowned Cook County public attorney in charge of guardianships.
03:00- B-Roll of courtroom and the reporter goes more in-depth about Lilly’s finances.
03:33- Amanda Rosseter, the reporter in charge of this story, is in the studio discussing the situation.
03:43- The reporter shows a document that indicates that Ruth is being taken advantage of.
04:02- Interview with David English, a lawyer from Santa Clara University in California.
04:17- Experts weigh in on their opinions about inconsistencies in Lilly’s spending without
04:36- A financial professor from University of Notre Dame weighs in on an interview
04:57- The professor weighs in on what the professor mentioned about Lilly’s fortunes.
05:26- Andrew Dover, an Ohio investment consultant tackles the issue.
05:41- The reporter highlights how there is no oversight in the case with b-roll of Ruth in a
05:50- The professor from Notre Dame appears again to give advice to the reporter.
05:54- The reporter is sitting on a couch, contacting the subject for this story, Ruth Lilly but gets a call from a relative.
06:04- The reporter now needs help from Lilly's representatives to address financial worries.
06:14- The reporter talks to Lilly’s personal attorney about the guardianship and meets him in a parking garage.
06:31- The reporter finds out more about Lilly’s guardianship while she approved these
06:48- Reporter asks Lilly’s family attorney about the latest with her matters.
07:02- A photo of Ruth and her family appears as she never told a judge about her finances.
07:20- The reporter is back interviewing the Cook County attorney about the judge’s role in this case.
07:35- Rossetter is back in the news studio describing more about the Lilly situation.
07:49- John, the news anchor, asks Rossetter about the silence around this case.
08:14- WTHR News Opening for the 6 PM Newscast airs the next day.
08:15- The news anchor opens with a second report on the findings of Ruth Lilly’s finances.
08:47- Investigation News Intro appears as John introduces the reporter for the report.
08:54- The PKG opens with a view or birds eating sand on a beach along with other sites along with Paris & London.
09:05- A photo of Ruth appears on the screen with her wearing a gown and blanket.
09:12- An airplane flies overhead as the reporter discusses how her family used her lavish riches.
09:17- Images of Ruth in a wheelchair and courtroom appear as the reporter discusses new filings.
09:36- A video of the judge in the case working at his desk appears along with audio of what the family told the courts.
09:40- An image of the employee officer at National City Bank and Lilly’s attorney is shown.
09:50- More audio from the courts was provided describing Lilly’s financial assistance with b-roll of the court.
10:00- Financial paperwork and finances spent on trips to California, Cape Cod, London & Paris appear on the page.
10:41- David English, a financial expert sits down with a reporter to discuss the matters of
Lilly’s trips.
10:55- Around 80 passengers are boarding a flight to Rome with Ruth and her family.
11:18- The reporter for this story, Jeremy Roglaski, sits in a studio with a photo of Ruth behind him.
11:33- Videos and photos show a mentally ill Ruth being despondent and out of sorts on her trips.
11:59- B-Roll of an empty Indianapolis courtroom.
12:08- Patrick Murphy, an Indianapolis-based guardianship expert, is interviewed for this story.
12:29- David English, the professor from Santa Clara University now chimes in.
12:43- B-Roll of an empty Indianapolis courtroom with a document shown on screen
13:01- Ruth Lilly boards a flight with her family on a trip to Rome on May 29, 1998 with
13:24- Ruth’s attorney, Tom Ewbank, speaks to the reporters on why Ruth won’t speak to the
13:28- Photos and video shows Ruth’s family and psychologist on trips, walking with her, and avoiding the media.
14:14- B-Roll of courtroom with a court object in the desk of the room.
14:16- Patrick Murphy is in disgust with the family’s actions in this interview clip.
14:28- Ruth Lilly is in a wheelchair travelling with her family on a bus while the reporter
discusses her affairs.
14:45- Passengers board a flight to Rome as chatter can be heard in the background with Ruth.
14:55- A photo of Ruth, her family, and the locations where she travelled to appear on the screen with a final image of Ruth in bed.
15:07- The reporter is back in the studio discussing his final thoughts on the report.
15:26- John Stahr and Anne Ryder ask the reporter some tough questions about the Lilly case.
15:50- WTHR Channel 13 News New at 6 PM Intro
15:53- John introduces the third segment about the Ruth Lilly case, which is about the politics of this case.
16:14- WTHR The Investigators investigation Introduction
16:21- The reports starts with a plaque of Ruth’s name on a Health Education center with a
B-Roll of students walking out of the building.
16:31- A black-and-white image of Ruth Lilly’s great-grandfather, who founded Eli Lilly &
Company, appears.
16:36- B-Roll of downtown Indianapolis on a sunny day.
16:40- Rose Lilly is shown in a photograph along with a Forbes Magazine cover.
16:51- Interview with former Indianapolis mayor, Stephen Goldsmith on Lilly’s legacy in Indy.
17:00- B-Roll of Goldsmith’s campaign rally with voiceover on Lilly’s contributions to
17:09- Interview with a Marion County prosecutor
17:21- B-Roll of Ruth Lilly with her family in a wheelchair along with images of legal
17:45- B-Roll of a National City Bank location
17:50- B-Roll of Lilly’s attorney Tom Ewbank getting into his car.
18:00- Interview with Patrick Murphy, a Chicago based legal attorney.
18:14- The reporter goes into detail on campaign distributions and shows several Republican politicians and Lilly’s contirbutions to them.
18:38- Amanda Rosseter is in the studio discussing Lilly with a photo of her behind her
18:56- More legal documents are shown on a table.
19:03- We see images of attorney Tom Ewbank. The Democratic judge was involved in her case.
19:16- Campaign finance expert expresses his opinions on the contributions.
19:36- B-Roll of Ruth Lilly getting out of a van with her family with voiceover.
19:51- Interview with two people, Patrick Murphy and Marion County prosecutor.
20:20- B-Roll of a closed Marion County prosecutor's office
20:28- Ewbank’s photo appears along with the interview with the Marion County prosecutor.
20:42- Interview with Stephen Goldsmith
21:00- The screen puts Goldsmith’s image at the top left corner while explaining campaign contributions.
21:11- B-roll of the empty courtroom with voiceover describing legal documents flashed on the screen.
21:31- Interview with campaign financier.
21:43- Reintroduced to Mayor Goldsmith as he describes his contributions.
21:52- Lilly hunkered down in a wheelchair along with a standup interview with Ewbank.
22:07- Lilly and her family get on a plane to Rome as a voiceover describes her actions.
22:20- Interview with Tom Ewbank in a parking garage then cuts to a judge signing documents.
22:50- Interview with Patrick Murphy with b-roll of Lilly getting into a vehicle.
22:59- Rosetter discusses more about the story in the studio as Ann Ryder & John ask her
24:04- WTHR Channel 13 New At 6 PM Introduction appears
24:07- Screen goes black.
24:08- John Stehr and Debbie Denmon introduce the investigation of Ruth Lilly and her
24:25- Eyewitness News WTHR The Investigators Intro appears
24:31- B-Roll of Ruth Lilly being seen in a wheelchair with her family by her side.
24:40- B-Roll of the Marion County Prosecutors Office along with images of her legal
24:53- Audio of an attorney Tom Ewbank discussing how Lilly wants to spend her money.
24:58- B-Roll of Ewbank getting into his car revving his engines.
25:06- B-Roll of a National City Bank location.
25:09- B-Roll of Ruth Lilly getting out of a van in a wheelchair, then cuts to her spending,
vacations, and legal documents with graphics.
25:38- Interview with Patrick Murphy, a Chicago-based guardianship attorney on the matter.
25:44- B-Roll of the courtroom with an object sitting on a desk & the judge filling out
25:54- Image of the new attorney involved in the Lilly case, and his role in the case.
26:10- B-Roll of Lilly getting into a van with her family by her side.
26:15- Amanda Rosetter is back in the studio describing more about the Lilly case.
26:27- Rossetter looks at the news anchors and describes the case more.
26:32- The tape cuts to the next story: Behind the Badge.
"Behind the Badge":
26:33- Anne Ryder introduces the story called, “Behind the Badge” and goes more in detail about it.
26:45- Two disgraced police officers are shown on the screen behind Ryder.
26:59- Behind Ryder, “The Investigators” bug appears behind Ryder.
27:10- WTHR Eyewitness News: “The Investigators” Intro appears.
27:17- A police car is racing through a street with their sirens on and flashing lights.
27:23- A montage of clips show the chaos of what officers deal with on a daily basis.
27:34- A montage featuring a baby in the hands of a loved one, police with guns on their belt, and a flashing police cruiser.
27:46- A “Police of Indianapolis” badge on the front of a police cruiser fading to someone sitting in a chair.
27:52- Interview with a domestic violence shelter owner who discusses battered police officer’s wives.
28:18- An investigation with legal documents appears on the screen, along with disciplinary actions.
28:41- Interview with the executive director of the shelter for abused men and women on
domestic violence among police officers.
29:07- The reporter stands in front of a police cruiser, explaining more about the story.
29:18- More reports and graphics layout the mishandling of abuse by police officers
29:51- B-Roll of a officer who abused his wife getting into a police car to start his shift.
30:08- Second interview with a domestic violence shelter owner who discusses battered police officer’s wives.
30:15- Interview with Indianapolis Police Chief, Michael Zunk.
31:00- The reporter goes into detail about how women were abused as images of hospitals appear.
31:22- Second part of an interview with the executive director of a domestic violence shelter.
31:28- More reports come out with graphics showing parts of the investigation women signed.
31:41- Interview with Police Chief Michael Zunk.
31:49- B-Roll of the Marion County Prosecutor's Office
31:59- Interview with a Marion County Prosecutor in his office.
32:07- Files that the prosecutor filed to police after an officer abused a woman.
32:18- A reporter stands next to a police car talking about the government’s role in this case.
32:33- A former officer sits in a meeting room with other officers after being convicted for
domestic violence.
32:51- Interview with a domestic violence shelter executive and the Marion County prosecuter.
33:18- The reporter, Jeremy Rogalski about the story in the studio and brings up the website,
news hotline, and Ann Ryder asks tough questions about the story.
33:56- Ann Ryder introduces a new segment of the “Behind the Badge” story.
34:15- The Eyewitness News Investigators intro appears.
34:21- Radio chatter can be heard as police stand beside firefighters at a crime scene.
34:26- A police badge fades through the image of the officers talking, and a sworn oath is heard.
34:36- A police car with lights on appears.
34:38- A police mugshot and a montage show former officers arrested appears who were
convicted of domestic violence.
34:53- Indianapolis Police Chief, Michael Zunk, reads through documents with sirens blaring in ]the background.
34:58- A police car is zooming on a city street with their sirens and lights activated with
voiceovers on the story.
35:06- A police badge shows a graphic on the front showing the number of days police spend away from work due to investigations.
35:15- B-roll of a police officer with a badge on and walkie-talkie with a voiceover playing.
35:17- A woman who works at a Village Pantry describes her lack of trust of police because of SA incident.
35:35—The officer involved in the SA incident was a member of the force named Ronald Black, who was interviewed by WTHR at his home.
35:58- More legal documents on screen depict corruption in the force and neglect.
36:09- A reporter clacks on his computer keyboard as the screen scrolls through the records.
36:38- A police car is moving out of a parking lot as a voiceover describes the Police corruption
36:44- Another shot shows the reporter clacking on his computer through police financial
36:53- B-Roll of an apartment complex and a gray truck.
37:00- A reporter stands near an apartment complex office as he holds legal papers in his hands describing corruption.
37:17- More police reports add to the conclusion that the police are abusing their own citizens they swore to protect.
37:24- A police officer describes how a police report describes an incident as the reporter asks him questions.
37:55- A police car moves away from a downtown street as Civil Rights activists are
38:29- A reporter is typing on his computer, finding more police and legal documents.
38:39- The police officer who was involved in a violent incident sits in a courtroom, and the
reporter describes his corruption.
39:12- Another angle of a reporter clacking away on his computer as more records show.
39:22- Indianapolis Police Chief, Michael Zunk is interviewed on the abusive nature of his
police force.
39:43- The woman involved in an SA incident speaks out in her kitchen about corruption.
39:56- The reporter on this story discusses the rest of his investigation and shows a officer getting honored.
40:24- The screen stays stuck on a photo with Anne Ryder and John Stehr with a gray line
hovering over them.
40:30- Anne Ryder praises the reporter for his work on the story.
40:32- John Stehr & Anne Ryder introduce a new segment of the “Behind the Badge” story.
40:50- WTHR Eyewitness Investigations Introduction appears
40:57- A swamp of police cars and protestors demonstrate outside of a crime scene on a dark night.
40:59- A Black man is describing how an Indianapolis cop abused him as violence ensues.
41:05- A montage shows Black leaders, demonstrators, inmates, and police on their role in the incident in city hall.
41:16- Cameras show a former cop being taken away in handcuffs and arrested due to a murder charge with b-roll of police and Black cops.
41:28- This story's reporter is standing outside government buildings by a police car.
41:39- Interview with Indiana Civil Liberties Union leader.
41:52- Legal papers are scattered across a desk indicating police corruption and reporter clacks on computer.
42:04- Police records show on a computer and footage of cops walking to their cars and duty appear.
42:27- Interview with a Black Indianapolis Deputy Police Chief Robert Turner.
42:55- Interview with a National Black Police Officer Association group leader speaks out.
43:13- Interview with Indianapolis Police Chief Michael Zunk.
43:38- A wide shot of a police car near a city building.
43:46- Interview with Indianapolis Civil Liberties Union chairwoman.
43:54- B-Roll of the Indianapolis Police Department main station and zoom in on sign.
44:07- B-Roll of a dark night in Indianapolis with some buildings keeping their lights on after a scuffle ensued.
44:10- Several police officers walk through a station with an entourage of media greeting them as the media looks into a brawl that occurred on Merdian Street.
44:26- Interview with a National Black Police Officer Association leader describes the failure of the F.O.P .
44:37- Interview with F.O.P . President Dave Y oung.
44:52- A file of papers sit on a desk near a printer in what could believed as a department office.
44:59- B-Roll of a police car blaring sirens and lights.
45:04- Interview with Ball State University Criminologist Brian Byers
45:13- Interview with Black Indianapolis Deputy Police Chief Robert Turner.
45:24- The reporter is back in the WTHR Studio, describing more about this investigation.
45:36- Anne Ryder and John Stehlr ask the reporter more questions on his story.
45:39- The tape goes from the studio to an all black screen.
45:50- End of tape.