Howard Caldwell hosts a news special celebrating 50 years of news on Channel 6
Executive Producer: Kurt Swadener;
Writer: Kurt Swadener;
Photographers: Mike Jensen & Steve Brenneman;
Editor: Mike Jensen;
Post Production: Paul Roehm & Mark Barnack
Includes footage of:
Gilbert Forbes, News Anchor 1949-1960;
Ken Mayer, News Anchor 1958-1959;
Dick Baldwin, News Photographer 1957-1995;
Larry Richardson, News Anchor 1958;
Eldon Campbell, General Manager 1957-1973;
Bob Gamble, News Director 1959-1986;
Ken Beckley, Anchorman 1967-1977;
Rafael Sanchez, Reporter;
Carl Stubblefield, Reporter;
Barbara Boyd, Reporter;
Tom Carnegie, Sports Director 1953-1985;
Tracey Horth, Reporter;
Bill Crawford, Weather;
Jud Ashmore, Weather;
Bob McLain, Weather;
50 Years Together
Video [with audio] (27:00)
50 Years Together - Media Collections Online (indiana.edu)
Notes by Kamil Gut, J450 History of Journalism, Fall 2021
Synopsis: This video showcases a special 50th anniversary program aired by WRTV Channel 6 about the station’s history and growth over this amount of time of its existence. Howard Caldwell narrates the program, shifting from different topics and areas of coverage the station has dealt with over the years. In general, it is a look back on the continuous effort and dedication the station has had to give its viewers the best TV news coverage.
00:00 – video starts, in color and Howard Caldwell opens special program celebrating 50 years of Channel 6 coverage starting in 1949
Caldwell speaks about Gilbert Forbes, Ken Mayer and Larry Richardson as some the first few anchormen for Channel 6, how viewers wanted more and more news coverage, so the station brought it. Serves as good example of the message the station is spreading.
00:53 IC: “In those early years … WFBM radio news reporters doing double duty…”
02:28 OC: “Often had a much different style than today.”
Length 1:35
*02:51 – look back at Channel 6 coverage/story of a murder and live video feed in court trial, marking one of first times TV cameras were allowed in court, marking dawn of new era in TV news
*04:40 – Caldwell speaks about former news director Bob Gamble and bolstering Channel 6 roster with talent, and how Gamble took a chance on people like Caldwell to cover tragic breaking news stories
07:15 – Channel 6 coverage of Civil Rights movement and video feed of Robert Kennedy speech about death of Martin Luther King Jr. is shown
08:52 – ads in color shown between breaks during anniversary broadcast, concepts and strategies in ads look similar to what we see on TV today
10:23 – anniversary broadcast is shortly interrupted by a segment (ad possibly?) by current (at the time) anchorman Clyde Lee about Habitat for Humanity building homes in community
*11:15 – Caldwell introduces new topic: shift from film to videotape, which helped report live from the scene and put more reporters out in field
*13:45 – Caldwell speaks about history of covering controversy, especially during Civil Rights movement, says Channel 6 was first to produce editorials and hiring the first African American reporter in Indianapolis, Carl Stubblefield; clips shown of Barbara Boyd coverage, the first African American woman reporter in Indianapolis
*18:05 – Caldwell speaks about sports and Tom Carnegie, Channel 6 sports director and coverage of sporting events like Indy 500, Colts arrival in 1984
20:15 – recap of different weathermen/meteorologists and natural disaster coverage from decades past is shown
24:17 – Clyde Lee interviewed in newsroom, speaking about reputation of Channel 6 and dedication to bringing the news after 50 years
24:48 – Diane Willis and Debbie Bush talk about wide range of coverage and bringing compassion to difficult stories
26:05 -- Caldwell thanks viewers for their loyalty to Channel 6, this part of special program ends and Caldwell previews next part, video ends