1963 Coliseum explosion coverage, Indianapolis;
Coverage of explosion in Richmond;
Track athletes
Film Dubs_66 minutes_Ch.6 -exact title in Media Collections Online
Video (01:06:12)
Notes by Nathan Previs, J450 History of Journalism, Fall 2021
00:22 Title card reading made by WTTW recording services Chicago
00:38 Video fades in on black and white of 1963 Coliseum explosion Indiana State Fairgrounds clean up of rubble; speaker is Caldwell
01:10 Caldwell holds microphone to Reverend
01:41 Zooms in on police, doctors, crew helping to clean up rubble
02:34 Shot of dead bodies
03:30 Fireman look under rubble for more bodies
04:16 Haldwell speaks to fireman; says “I’ve never felt so helpless in my life
05:22--06:25 Man talks on phone while looking at calendar of Purdue football schedule, reads and smiles at magazine, types on typewriter
06:31--07:29 Haldwell at typewriter
07:47--08:40 Haldwell in front of camera reading, no audio
09:30 WFBM Radio and Television sign
09:40 Man gives small tour of studio; looks at printers for weather and news
11:30 Man looks at correspondent cards and cabinets holding important reporter’s background material.
14:23 Older man on a two way radio
17:56 Behind the scenes as WFMB cameraman shoots film, no audio
18:26 Man giving tour shows machine for film to go through for the film editor
18:50 Silent film of man operation
20:27 Silent film behind the scenes of studio
25:46 Outside fairgrounds at night
26:30 More bodies being filmed around midnight
30:12 Caldwell interviews Herman Landis
33:01 Caldwell interviews a couple more survivors
34:23 Caldwell interviews woman who lost her 6 year old son
38:00 Filming at hospital of injured and dead victims
43:33 Film Dubs start
55:50 Costumes at office area, color
01:05:00 Video Ends