TheNews segments from 1976
Synopsis: This video is a newscast from WRTV Channel 6 Indianapolis TheNews. Ken Beckley is the news anchor and covers stories locally and nationwide on the climate, politics, tornado warnings, fires, film, sports, weather, Vietnam, and flooding.
00:12 Advertisements (AMC Dealers, PH, Nestea)
1:51 Ken Beckley tells a story about President Ford reorganizing the national intelligence agencies
03:12 Ken tells a story about a lady named Patricia who was tortured and held captive
03:33 Steve Mallory reported on the story
04:10 Ken briefs the viewers on flood warnings
04:37 Ken tells a story about Students from Sunny Heights Elementary in Warren Township will be returning to school after the sewer flooded into the gymnasium
04:54 Linda Lupear reported on the story of the danger of the kids returning to the unsanitary building
06:45 Ken tells a story about a 61-year-old man from Greensburg who drowned after he drove his tractor into a pond and got pinned underneath
06:57 Ken tells a story about a 4-year-old boy from Evansville who fell into his neighbor's pool and drowned
07:14 Ken tells a story of the tornado sirens being tested weekly in Indianapolis
08:39 More advertisements (Hook’s, Beef ‘n’ Boards, Ford)
10:01 Ken presents a story of the overpopulation of birds in southern Illinois
10:16 Reporter Ernie Mitchell is introduced, and reports on the extreme amount of bird droppings and the implications of it
11:08 Ken talks about a fire from an oil tank killing one person and injuring nine
11:25 Talks about the Academy Awards happening on March 29th and presented the nominees
11:41 Leonard Bernstein week rehearsal at Butler University
12:00 The Indiana Legislature will meet tomorrow, Friday, to pass more bills
12:36 Bob McClain introduced to present the weather after the break
12:41 More advertisements (place settings from American Fletcher, Wendy’s, Ford Dealership, State Auto Parts)
14:52 Bob McClain presents the weather
18:11 More advertisements (Associate Services, Indiana Bell, Hubler Chevrolet, New Norelco Flame Fighter)
20:12 Ken Beckley presents a story about the VA changing GI benefits
22:00 Ken talks about an inter-American relationship program with Venezuela
22:10 Ken talks about the Stock Market, Dodge stock slid
22:28 More advertisements (Luden’s, Bob Evans, Standard, Anderson Fur Company)
24:30 Sports Report
*28:26 Ken introduces a story on flooding in Ravenswood, Marion County
28:38 Ron Tank reports on the flooding and interviews locals
29:43 Closing remark and sponsorship by American Fletcher National Bank and Hook’s
30:00 More advertisements (The No nonsense feature, Kraft)
30:39 News scheduling for the evening is presented
31:09 Channel 6 Final Report introduced
*31:20 Ken talks about an Illinois town evacuated because a train was derailed and there were deadly gas fumes from an explosion
31:42 Ken talks about how the Associated Press reported 1500 U.S. Marines were sent to the border of North and South Vietnam
32:20 U.S. casualties at 16 today, 4 were photographers
32:53 More advertisement (American Unite Life)
33:19 Weather report
33:46 Men’s college basketball scores reported
34:12 Professional basketball scores reported
34:55 Weather report of light flurries in the Indianapolis area
*35:25 Story on the State Highway Department not being able to plow Highway 67 resulting in a 7-mile backup of traffic this evening
Website clips:
1. Ron Tanks interviews a local man during a flood of his home and how well prepared he is for the constant flooding.
IC: “Finally tonight, flooding is not uncommon…”
OC: “...the slower you have to walk.”
2. Here, Ken talks about the evacuation of an Illinois town because of a derailed train exploding, which was carrying industrial chemicals.
IC: “The small Illinois town of…”
OC: “...no reports of injuries.”
3. This segment is about Highway 67 not being plowed by the State Highway Department causing a 7-mile back up and people were not happy with the department
IC: “Good evening, the inability of…”
OC: “...we have the salt spreaders.”