Conway Library Tape Thirteen
Log Sheet/metadata
Tape log from 12/22
PART ONE --------------------------------
00:05 Low Cost Mortuary Service, part one 10/28/83
WGTU/WGTQ Newsource 29&8, Bill Wagman, anchor. Mike Conway, reporter
Suttons Bay man is offering a low-cost mortuary service and says the industry is trying to
run him out of business with regulations designed to protect profits
Bob Moody, low-cost mortuary service
James Williams, attorney
Robert Martinson, Funeral Home Director, Suttons Bay
3:45 WGTU/WGTQ Sports 10/28/83
6pm Newscast, Bill Wagman, anchor. Mike Conway, sports
T.C. Trojans football
H.S. women’s basketball
NBA new season Ron Depaulus story
Jim Palmer -Baltimore Orioles
MLB Awards -Orioles mgr.
Dan Quizenberry -KC Royals
NHL update
Dan Fouts -Chargers
10:25 WGTU/WGTQ Newsource 29&8 Sports 10/28/83
11pm newscast, Bill Wagman, anchor. Mike Conway, sports
T.C. Trojans football
High School Football
NBA Opening Night. Philadelphia 76ers hoist ’83 banner
76ers-Bullets -Dr. J.
NBA scores
14:55 WPBN/WTOM-TV 7&4 Gill Net Fishing Documentary
Dave Fortin -reporter
Closing standup and credit
17:20 Dog & Standup 10/24/83
Mike Conway trying to do standup with dog in background
18:10 WGTU/WGTQ Newsource 29&8 Newscast Open & Beirut bombing 10/24/83
6pm Newscast, Bill Wagman anchor
Beirut Marine Barracks bombing - ABC News
Benzie Co. Marine Michael LaFleur survived the blast -Mike Conway, reporter
-Connie McClaren, mother of Marine
23:09 Traverse City Trojans Football & TV 29&8 Promotion 9/83
Bumper Stickers. Randy O’Brien, sportscaster
23:40 The Duck Standup 10/31/83 (:17)
Newsource 29&8 John Ciolino, reporter wearing a duck costume
24:00 TV 7&4 Sportscaster Cliff Smith covering Football 10/28/83
John Ciolino & Mike Sherman
24:30 Mike’s Apartment and Roommate 11/1/83
Mike Conway working on a standup at his apartment on Washington St. with his
roommate Chris Grigny walking by camera
25:14 Elvis Costello on “Entertainment Tonight.”10/18/83 (2:56)
“Everyday I Write the Book”
Is he less angry now?
Jeanne Wolf, reporter
28:17 The Moody Blues, Blue World video 11/16/83 MTV (3:11)
MTV’s Martha Quinn
31:55 Thanksgiving Traditions 11/25/83 (2:23)
WGTU/WGTQ-TV Newsource 29&8, Bill Wagman, anchor.
Mike Conway, reporter
Downtown Traverse City, Millikens
“Home for the Holidays”
“Everyday I Write the Book” Elvis Costello
People working on holiday: police officer, Liquor store employee
Flap Jack Shack
34:30 The Ramones “Our Time as Come Today” 11/25/83 (2:32)
Partial MTV
PART TWO ---------------------------
00:15 NBC News Overnight -Last Show 12/3/83 6:23
Linda Ellerbee, Bill Schechter. (highlights of last show)
**Reagan Presidential P.R. -Andrea Mitchell
-famous story about how images are more important than words
06:45 Mickey Fivenson Commercial “Thank you Mickey” (:40)
7:25 Newsource 29&8 News Open & Nubs Nob Lawsuit 12/5/83 (2:30)
Nub’s Nob ski resort action settlement (exclusive)
Mike Conway, reporter
Brian Farr suffered brain injury while skiing and hitting a piece of equipment
Jim Dilworth, Nub’s Nob manager
10:02 End of NBC News Overnight on Entertainment Tonight 12/83
Bill Schechter, Linda Ellerbee
11:30 WGTU/WGTQ Newsource 29&8 Rick Wuellner’s Going Away Party 12/83
TV 29&8 Conference room. Reporter Rick Wuellner leaving station.
With John Ciolino, Bill Wagman, Jolene Carpenter, Mike Khouri, Phil Sachleben, Frank N. Moore
13:50 Adrian Belew, “I’m Down” music video (partial) MTV 12/14/83 (1:26)
15:05 Various Traverse City newscasts 12/14/83 (2:40)
TV 7&4 Dave Fortin
NMC “White Pine Press” student newspaper launch
TV 9&10 Diane Kasunic
17:26 Good Morning Michigan 12/28/83, 7:30am (4:38)
Newsource 29&8 newscast during Good Morning America
Mike Conway, anchor
Snow advisory
Old Mission Peninsula Murder/Suicide
Tom & Gina Merry
H.S. Basketball
22:10 ABC New Nightline Promo 1/2/84 (:30)
22:45 Wally Wolverine 1/2/84 (:32)
Newsource 29&8 6pm Newscast
Anchor Bill Wagman, sportscaster Randy O’Brien
Randy brings out a Michigan Wolverine hand puppet