David Goodnow, anchor
WTHI-TV 2nd part of a six-part series on ghost stories and legends in the Wabash Valley.
This involves an old stone wall on Fruitridge Avenue in Southeast Terre Haute. According to the legend, a man bought his son a sports car on his birthday and the son was driving recklessly and crashed with such force that he was ejected from the car and his face hit the wall with such force that it left an impression of his face in the wall. ISU Folklore Professor Ronald Baker talks about the legend.
The wall is on the property of Betty Blumberg. She is interviewed and says there was never such an accident. But she says there once was a stone in the wall that had the impression of a face because it had come from a building torn down in downtown Terre Haute. She thinks that's how the story started. But the stone with the face is long gone.