Conway Library Tape Nineteen
WGTU/WGTQ-TV, Traverse City, MI
Log Sheet/metadata
Tape log from 12/24
These are all stories reported and photographed by Mike Conway for WGTU/WGTQ-TV, Newsource 29&8 In Traverse City, MI in the first half of 1984, maybe also late 1983.
00:24 Traverse City Parent-Student Exchange
Mike Conway, reporter/photojournalist
Mother Cindy May spends day as student to see what her 10th Grade son Drew does
every day
-instrumental music throughout story
02:52 Traverse City Cable Company Playboy Channel
Mike Conway, reporter/photojournalist
Cable company Centel has to increase its channel choices from 21 to 36. The company
sent out a questionnaire on what channels people wanted. One of the pay channel options is the Playboy Channel, which caused a letter-writing campaign against the channel
-standup from 29&8 edit bay
-local pastor doesn’t want the channel
05:40 Cheboygan Opera House
Mike Conway, reporter/photojournalist
1877 Opera House, rebuilt in 1893 after fire, has been renovated and is reopening
-was shut down as unsafe in 1965
Cheboygan City Manager interview
-official reopening will be in June 1984
07:45 Levering Pig Farmer Lawsuit
Mike Conway, reporter/photojournalist
65 year old George Rose, wife Delia lost all his pigs when they ate bad feed from a Fort
Wayne company
He has already won in court, but he couldn’t pay back his FHA loan and the government
demanded he sell his property quickly
Rose sued the government and got an injunction, with a trial maybe in 1985
-Rose is living on Social Security
-very emotional story
11:23 Arthur Atkinson Car Ferry leaves Frankfort for the last time
Mike Conway, reporter/photojournalist
Former Ann Arbor Car Ferry employees standing near the shore watching it go to
Wisconsin to be turned into a barge
-Ferry stopped running in the spring of 1982
-Viking car ferry was sold to same company in ’83 and has been refurbished and is for
Sale (Viking showed up in Erie, PA in the late 1990s)
-Car ferry City of Milwaukee is only ship left in Betsie Bay. Frankfort wants to turn it into a museum
14:10 Nish-Nah-Bee Industries Plant Strike
Mike Conway, reporter/photojournalist
100 workers on strike. Company put an ad in the paper advertising for workers to
replace the strikers. Security guards are working around plant and at job interview site
16:07 Shipwreck Reappears on Lake Michigan Shore
Mike Conway, reporter/photojournalist
Shipwreck near Leland. In 1980, a judge ruled a Cheboygan man could take the boat because he was first to claim ownership. But the wreck disappeared until 1984. This time, retired attorney Nick Lederle of Lake Leelanau quickly went to court and claimed ownership. But he just wants to leave the wreck where it is and let it come and go with the tides. (Lederle died in 1993)
-Nick Lederle, attorney
-Not sure origins of the wreck, could be The Lark, 1850s schooner
**wreck reappeared near Leland in January 2023