Indiana Broadcast History Archive

 Marilyn Schultz Collection

Marilyn Schultz

Hoosier native Marilyn Schultz led one of the most important lawsuits in media history to provide better working conditions for women at NBC News in the 1970s. She is an Indiana University graduate who worked at NBC for nine years. She later moved back to Indiana and worked at WTHR-TV in Indianapolis and earned her MA and PhD. at Indiana University. She worked as a university  professor at the University of Texas at Austin, Southern University in Baton Rouge, LA, and St. Edwards University in Austin, Texas. Schultz passed away in 2010.

The Marilyn Schultz Collection includes legal documents from the lawsuit by women employees against NBC in the 1970s. This includes 1650 pages of depositions of nine people on both sides of the case. It also includes a 1972 report by women at NBC to senior management on ways to improve working conditions and opportunities for women at NBC. The transcript of a 1992 interview with Schultz (142 pages), including details on the lawsuit, is part of the collection.

Thank you to Sandra and Steve Moberly, as well as Billy Earnest, for their generous donations to create the Marilyn Schultz Collection.

The Schultz archive documents have not been digitized. Contact the IBHA if you are interested in scheduling a visit to see the archive.

Title Station Date Aired Description
Marilyn Schultz Memorial Video by Kate Rosati
 Marilyn Schultz Collection
Marilyn Schultz Memorial Video by Kate Rosati
 Marilyn Schultz Collection
Date Aired
Marilyn Schultz, BS'67, MA'90, PhD'93
 Marilyn Schultz Collection

Marilyn R. Schultz was a pioneer in broadcast journalism, dedicating herself to the fight for women's rights in the industry and, later, to educating future journalists as a college...

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Marilyn Schultz, BS'67, MA'90, PhD'93
 Marilyn Schultz Collection
Date Aired

Marilyn R. Schultz was a pioneer in broadcast journalism, dedicating herself to the fight for women's rights in the industry and, later, to educating future journalists as a college...

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Memorial Slide Show for Marilyn Schultz
 Marilyn Schultz Collection
Memorial Slide Show for Marilyn Schultz
 Marilyn Schultz Collection
Date Aired
MOREAU, A Legacy of Hope: A Presentation of St. Edward's University
 Marilyn Schultz Collection

"Soon after joining the faculty of St. Edward's University in 2002, I became intrigued by the history and traditions of both the university and its sponsor, the Congregation of Holy...

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MOREAU, A Legacy of Hope: A Presentation of St. Edward's University
 Marilyn Schultz Collection
Date Aired

"Soon after joining the faculty of St. Edward's University in 2002, I became intrigued by the history and traditions of both the university and its sponsor, the Congregation of Holy...

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Richard Yoakam Tribute Dinner
 Marilyn Schultz Collection

Richard Yoakam Tribute Dinner
Radio-TV Collection

Department of Telecommunications held a tribute dinner for Richard Yoakam to commemorate the start of the Richard Yoakam Technology...

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Richard Yoakam Tribute Dinner
 Marilyn Schultz Collection
Date Aired

Richard Yoakam Tribute Dinner
Radio-TV Collection

Department of Telecommunications held a tribute dinner for Richard Yoakam to commemorate the start of the Richard Yoakam Technology...

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