"Howard's Indiana" was a periodic feature series, with short stories and interviews on a variety of topics
Howard’s Indiana 6 (IBHA.HCC.0059)
(logsheet by Marisol Sanchez, J450)
1.Mansfield Grist Mill (02:37)
Synopsis: Caldwell visits the Mansfield Grist Mill and interviews the Millers, who run the place. He talks about its history and how it runs today.
00:00 Water noises, footage of waterfalls
00:03 Caldwell begins to narrate, “It’s the water that makes it all work…”
00:05 clips of Mansfield Mill
00:25 Image of Mansfield sign and year
00:28 shows and talks about the covered bridge near by
00:50 shows an old building that has been there since the 1880s
00:55 Caldwell shows how the farmers would use the wagons
01:10 footage of Steve Miller showing how they make corn meal
01:30 Footage of an old record book found by the millers
01:52 Mrs. Miller interviewed by Caldwell about the mill still being in place
02:05 Image of Mansfield Roller Mill sign
02:06 Caldwell begins to wrap the video up
02:22 Steve ends on a good quote
02:38 Video ends on water splashing noises and footage of the mill
2.Indianapolis Art Museum (04:19) (I think the title is wrong)
Synopsis: Caldwell visits George Ade’s old home and talks about his biography. He shows his old speech notes and talks about his speech.
00:00 sign that says “Howard Caldwell’s Indiana”
00:02 loud music plays
00:08 Footage of outside a home, Caldwell narrates, “This started out to be a little…”
00:28 Footage of sign outside the home, “George Ade”, while Caldwell begins to talk about him
00:35 Great Gold newspaper page framed
00:47 black and white image of Ade’s friends, fraternity brothers, politicians
00:54 Old image of Teddy Roosevelt’s picture framed
1:05 black and white image of the Welcome Home Boys party at the end of WWI
1:12 Ade’s Hazelton desk
1:30 Caldwell interviews John Funk
2:00 image of “The College Widow”
2:10 picture frame of Ade
2:40 Funk talks about Ade’s works
3:00 Black and white picture of frame of Ade older
3:15 Old image of Purdue football stadium
3:25 Caldwell talks to the camera
3:50 image of Ade’s speech written on a piece of paper
*4:00 talks about reporter,Howard Caldwell, who kept the speech paper in a file
4:05 Caldwell begins to wrap up the video
4:09 Old picture of Goerge
4:20 video ends with music
3.George Ade's Speech 8-4-1917 (03:42) (I think the title is wrong)
Synopsis: Caldwell visits the Indianapolis Art Museum and talks about when the exhibit will open for the art museum’s birthday. He interviews a couple people and shows the different artworks displayed.
00:00 Howard Caldwell, as an anchor, talks to the camera about a top art museum’s birthday
00:18 Scene of outside art museum, Caldwell narrates, “ The Indianapolis Museum of Art…”
00:25 Scene of someone painting
00:40 Caldwell talks to some artists at the museum
00:59 Caldwell interviews Robert Yassin, museum director
1:00 Shows a painting of a woman and man kissing
1:15 talks about John Herren leaving money for art causes
1:40 old pictures of the art school and museum built with Herren’s money
2:00 Robert Yassin interviewed about contemporary art
2:12 shows examples of art works in the museum and its artists
3:10 Caldwell interviews Albert Louer, Museum Public Relations Director
3:28 footage of outside the museum, Caldwell begins to close the video
3:42 video ends
4.Charlie Davis' That Band from Indiana Book (03:55)
Synopsis: Caldwell talks about Charlie Davis and his jazz performances.
00:00 Introduction,”Howard Caldwell Indiana” book opens
00:05 Black and white image of Brooklyn Paramount Theatre
00:08 Caldwell narrates
00:20 Talks about Charlie Davis, black and white images of him
1:03 Muncial Gardens sign
1:08 Footage of Ceveren Hotel
1:15 image of Dick, who did the vocals
1:36 Caldwell interviews local Jazz history author about Charlie’s book arrangement
2:18 Indiana Repertory Theatre
2:30 Caldwell talks to the camera
2:58 Black and white images of theatres and people
3:25 Image of Davis now
3:30 image of the band and a man interviewed in the background
3:44 image of Davis performance on a newspaper sheet
3:55 video ends after Caldwell wraps it up
5.Indianapolis Board of Trade Building (Ohio and N. Meridian) (03:11)
Synopsis: Howard Caldwell goes to Senator Homer E. Capehart’s office, where he meets his son to interview him about his fathers life and accomplishments.
00:00 Introduction,”Howard Caldwell Indiana” book opens
00:05 Footage of a building
00:08 Caldwell narrates, “The subject is…”
00:19 talks about the building’s history
00:29 Footage of inside the building
00:37 Shows Senator Homer E. Capehart’s office
1:00 footage of corn fields
1:10 H. Earl Capehart interviewed
1:31 Black and white picture of Homer and a car
1:43 image of newspaper cartoons
2:00 image of Homer meeting Churchill and other images in black and white
2:35 footage from 1977
2:55 footage of Caldwell with Earl, Caldwell wraps it up
3:11 video ends with book closing
6.Indiana's Longest River Source in Ohio (05:03)
Synopsis: Caldwell talks about Indiana’s longest river and shows historical places near the river.
00:00 Introduction,”Howard Caldwell Indiana” book opens
00:05 footage of a river
0:09 “It’s beautiful...”
00:25 Caldwell narrates, “This river seems to draw…”
00:35 shows the river on the map
00:49 Footage of the river from a helicopter view
1:10 Shows the town and its Italian representation
1:30 View of the river from helicopter again
2:08 home of Eugene V. Debs
2:20 Caldwell on a boat
2:25 Music plays, “I’m gonna float my boat back to Teraho”
2:55 fishing in the waters
3:20 Arby interviewed
3:35 Caldwell talks to the camera about Wabash
3:53 Image of Paul Dresser
4:06 shows the bed that Paul slept in
4:19 one of Dresser’s songs plays while shows footage of the river
5:04 the video ends
7.Punkin Center - Collector Southern IN Orange Co (03:04)
Synopsis: Howard Caldwell goes to Ad Grey’s Punkin Center, where he collects many items with different stories. He interviews him and his wife, Mable, about their business.
00:00 Introduction,”Howard Caldwell Indiana” book opens
00:05 footage of Pumpkin Center
00:10 Caldwell narrates, “Tater road runs right through the middle…”
00:18 shows the home and general store
00:39 Caldwell sitting with its owner, Ad Grey
00:50 Ad Grey interviewed
1:19 Shows left handed pencils that Ad will actually sell
1:25 Ad’s wife, Mable, selling cheese
1:40 Mable interviewed
2:10 talks about the stories behind the items sold
2:40 Caldwell wraps it up, footage of items in the store
3:04 book closes and ends
8.Indianapolis Murat Theatre - What Became of the Stars (04:24)
Synopsis: Caldwell goes to the Indianapolis Murat Theatre to talk about all the stars that have started out there. He also goes deep into the biography of Ruth Gordan and her accomplishments in acting.
00:00 Introduction,”Howard Caldwell Indiana” book opens
00:10 Murat sign, Caldwell narrates, “There was a time when…”
00:32 image of Kate francis, talks about her
00:35 image of Spring Brianting, talks about her
00:43 image of Eliot Newgen, talks about
00:47 image of Will Gare, talks about him
00: 55 image of Billot Bondy, talks about her
1:00 image of Ruth Gordan, talks about her
1:08 Caldwell talks to camera in the old theatre
1:30 shows the stage
1:55 old image of Ruth and Gregory performing
2:35 old images of Ruth and Gregory while Caldwell narrates
3:14 Ruth acting in a film
3:50 Image of Ruth Gordon,Caldwell wraps it up
4:24 Book closes, video ends
9.Circle Theater (03:27)
Synopsis: Howard Caldwell goes to the Circle Theatre to talk about its history and major films displayed. He also talks about its renovation and shows the different film posters.
00:00 Howard Indiana sign
00:07 Footage of the Circle theatre closed, Caldwell narrates in the background “The Circle is closed…”
00:17 Footage of inside the theatre
00:25 three men, two from the nonprofit theatre group including Caldwell enter the theatre
00:35 Footage of seats that need to be replaced
00:43 Man from the organization talking about how much it will cost them to restore the theatre
1:05 Other man interviewed on why he is interested
1:25 first man speaks again about the stage
1:39 Caldwell talks to the camera
1:56 Caldwell talks about Dick Pau, While Black and white images of him on stage are shown
2:12 Caldwell talking to the camera
2:23 Different posters of films displayed
3:09 Theatre lit up
3:14 Caldwell starts wrapping it up
3:27 Video ends
10.Musician's sister playing organization Circle Theatre associates, in her home Dessa Bird's sister Virginia (03:59)
Synopsis: Caldwell visits Virginia to talk about her sister, Dessa Bird. The video is full of Virginia playing many organ pieces and old pictures of Dessa Bird.
00:00 Organ music plays, a painting of a woman
00:20 Caldwell narrates
00:33 Footage of a home
00:41 Footage of the younger sister the Circle’s high popular musician playing the organ, Virginia
1:00 Old black and white book of images of Dessa Bird, Caldwell talks about her biography
1:35 Virginia interviewed by Caldwell
2:05 Sheet music
2:29 Virginia playing the organ again
3:00 Caldwell interviews Virginia
3:30 Vigina playing the organ again
3:35 Caldwell talks about Dessa’s death, shows picture of young Dessa playing the organ
3:59 Video ends in music
11.Union Station Mall Entertainment (02:52)
Synopsis: Caldwell visits Union Station mall to talk about the downtown theatre that will be in the new entertainment station center.
00:00 Music playing while people performing
00:15 Caldwell narrates, “ Of Course some of the downtown entertainment…”
00:21 Footage of the outside building of Phoenix Theatre
00:37 Caldwell talking to the camera outside The Indiana Theatre
00:48 Old black and white pictures of different theatres
1:35 Footage of the new movie theatre to appear downtown since the 20s
1:37 Inside the theatre
1:44 Caldwell walks with Bob Born while he is interviewed
1:52 Caldwell narrates
2:10 Born interviewed
2:20 Map of mall on where the new entertainment center will be
2:25 Footage of outside the mall
2:35 Black and white images of the theatre with music in the background
2:53 Video ends in music