Notes by Amani Gates. J470 Broadcast Media Analysis
Howard’s Perspective Retirement Series
Video: S1 (2:01) & S2(1:15:00)
Other: IBHA.HCC.0001
Segment 1: Introduction to Howard's Perspective and his input on adjusting to retirement
0:10 Caldwell enters the frame and explains how he really isn’t retired
0:40 New scene where he is typing on his brand new computer
0: 46 sorting through old files that need to be reassessed
0:58 a range of books that need to be organized and some haven’t even been read
1:10 playing a game of tennis
1:15 him playing with all six of his grandkids
1:30 Caldwell revisiting why he feels as though he isn’t retired
Segment 2: Howard's Perspective starts on his 50 year class reunion at 36:14; also includes WRTV 6 News
0:02 video starts of with the introduction for WRTV 6 and introduces the news anchors
0:15 Barbara Lewis and Clyde Lee start the show with their story of the government wanting to renovate housing on Northeast side and residents at Blackburn Terrace oppose of this idea
0:37 Live film of Stacia Matthews at the Blackburn Terrace apartments talking about the conditions of the apartments
1:15 cuts to a walking scene of one of the residents, Mabel Buyers holding a protest sign
1:51 footage of interview starts
2:20 Talks about how people are having plumbing problems in the newly renovated apartments. Residents are scared to come forth about the issues in fear of being evicted.
3:40 Clyde starts introducing the murder stories segment, one about an Anderson man shooting his wife in front of their children
3:54 another about a 17 year old boy who pleaded guilty to killing his mother and stepfather
4:14 Lewis begins the crime segment and how two marion county prosecutors are fighting to minimize the crime rate
7:09 Interview with Dr. Joe Phillips about ways you can keep your kids safe from getting into things
9:10 commercial break
11:28 commercial break over
11:33 golden rule insurance known as a good guy company but lies beneath the facade is that they only choose to select the healthier people
12:13 Phil Bremen
16:10 commercial break
18;15 commercial break over
18:17 Bob McLain begins his weather segment. Sports will be up next
21:07 commercial break
23:23 Scott Hoke comes on to begin Sport Segment. He’s at Brickyard crossing covering a golf tournament,
23:59 this golf tournament includes winning money based on if you make the hole or not
24:40 interview with Dave Stockton; senior PGA golfer
24:52 interview with Bob Murphy the defending tournament champ; talking about how good the course was
27:44 Tennis star, Vetis Generalitis died of carbon monoxide poisoning due to leakage in the AC system he was staying in
28:24 commercial break
30:48 commercial break over
30:55 American troops entering Haiti but have been told they can’t intervene with what was going on ??
The rest of this video (1:15 total) hasn’t been logged yet
Howard's Perspective Includes
Segment 1: Introduction to Howard's Perspective and his input on adjusting to retirement
Segment 2: Howard's Perspective starts on his 50 year class reunion at 36:14; also includes WRTV 6 News
Segment 3: Howard's Perspective starts at 17:50; also includes WRTV 6 News
Howard’s Perspective Retirement Series
Video (4:04:17) -
Other Identifier: IBHA.HCC.0001
Notes by Andy Manzur, J470 Broadcast Media Analysis, Spring 2022
Segment 3
An early morning newscast composing of the day’s news. Gregg Todd and Elissa Lynn catch you up on the latest stories happening around the Country. At the end of the segment, Howard Caldwell appears to give you his perspective on a meeting in which senior citizens sat down with teenagers and engaged in conversation regarding their differences.
00:05 video starts, Gregg Todd and Elissa Lynn are sitting at the news desk mentioning that it is the last day of the workweek.
*00:10 African American students at Ball State University feel as if they are being treated unfairly. They come together to talk about the problem and possible solutions. Grace Trahan is reporting on the story. Contains interviews with members of the Black Student Association and the V.P. of Student Affairs at Ball State Dr. Douglas McConkey.
2:40 Starts talking about Judge Allen Brubaker attorney says his client has pleaded guilty to cocaine dealing because he wants to put a drug and sex scandal behind him.
*2:54 Pleaded guilty of arranging a trade of cocaine for sex at a Lebanon motel mentions Brubaker has already pleaded guilty to charges of theft and official misconduct with a charge including a trip to a Chicago Hotel with a teenage boy.
3:12 Brubaker’s Lawyer speaks on the case mentions that his client advised him that he felt he needed to accept responsibility for his actions and that he was guilty of those accusations.
*3:40 Brubaker expected to serve 3 years behind bars followed by 4 years of house arrest.
3:44 video cuts back to female news anchor to speak about a story regarding teenage binge drinking
*3:52 Graphic appears and shows that over 50% of Carmel High school seniors admit to binge drinking which is higher than the national percentage (27.5) and the state percentage (34.8).
4:11 Street interview with Carmel students who say that the statistics are not at all surprising. Admit to it being a really big problem and with people having money they spend it on alcohol.
4:30 Video now shows man anchor talking issues potentially coming to the picket lines at the firestone plant in Noblesville as a judge has issued a temporary restraining order which limits picket line activity.
*4:50 mentions that temps are coming to replace the 360 union workers that have been on strike for over 3 months
5:11 KC Singh celebrated for his 25 years in art.
*8:25 Gregg brings up the search for two young boys who have been kidnapped during a carjacking in South Carolina. Police spotted a car matching the description of the one reportedly involved in the kidnapping. Teams have searched through a forest on the border of North Carolina using a helicopter and ATV. The boys are 14 months and 3 years old. The incident occurred in Union, South Carolina. Up to this point, nothing has been found.
9:09 Gregg changes stories to now focus on President Clinton and his quest for a more comprehensive peace in the Middle East
*9:16 President Clinton met with Syria’s King Assad and later went to Israel where he made a good impression on their religious lawmakers in which they praised him for his command of the Bible
9:42 A republican ad promoting the removal of the Clinton congress.
*9:55 Marry Miller reports that the 2-million-dollar republican ad campaign started running that day in 25 states and will continue running through the election which is in 11 days.
*10:04 Snippet of Haley Barbour, the Republican chairman, stated that they have focused on Clinton and his policies and compared them to the alternatives of republican candidates. Calls the Democrats Big Life campaign (heavy southern accent could not make out exactly what he said) flagrant hypocrisy.
* 10:36 Lloyd Bensten the Treasury Secretary denounces Republican claims. Mentions Clinton has no plans to cut social security.
11:03 Elissa Lynn mentions that the pentagon states that the build-up of US military hardware in the Persian Gulf Region is on the way in case US Troops deployed on short notice.
11:16 Gregg starts a story on the OJ Simpson trial. The defense is claiming that the prosecution is intentionally keeping blacks off of the Jury pool. The defense says the prosecution is worried because black may have black hero’s such as Simpson and that they are worried they might rule in favour of Simpson.
12:04 shows a graphic of the weather
17:21 30-year Mortgage rates have surpassed 9%
*18:01 Howard Caldwell appears and speaks about the annual governor’s conference in which teenagers and senior citizens sat down and talked about perspectives on aging. Talked about lack of manners and negative attitudes. Teenagers mentioned that they feel as if no one cares about them so why should they care about anyone else. It was the most telling moment as the room was filled with people that did care. The teenagers seemed to have different responses than were expected, but they are leaders of their school so maybe their influence is more than they realize.
*19:04 Caldwell asked what was accomplished and said that not much was. But it proved that there are old people willing to listen to young people and vice versa.
*19:13 cuts back to Howard and he says that old and young people have much to offer each other and that is his perspective.
Segment 4: Howard's One On One with Reggie Miller starts at 10:18; also includes WRTV 6 News
Segment 4
A newscast composing of the day’s news. Clyde Lee and Diane Willis catch you up on the latest stories happening around the Country. At the end of the segment, Howard Caldwell appears with Reggie Miller as the two go one on one to discuss the upcoming season.
0:04 The latest news on plane crash of flight 4148 they mention that storms are approaching the crash site and that bulldozers are working on digging out the wreckage.
*0:26 Officials got a warning that they were moving too fast to deploy the plane’s wing flaps. As the crew retracted the flaps the plane rolled to the right. The crew righted the plane but it rolled again resulting in the plane plunging down to earth.
0:40 Gerry Dick is on-site reporting the crash. Mentions that some family members of victims have come to see the crash for themselves to clear up questions in their minds. It seems that there were no survivors and authorities are working quickly to get the victims of the crash identified.
*3:56 Story about a murder occurring in Muncie Indiana near the Ball State Campus. Victim has been identified as Chester Martin. He had died of Multiple Gunshot wounds. This is the second time in a span of 6 weeks Denise Dillon reports that students and parents are feeling uneasy and worried about the safety of the area.
*5:03 Ball State president John Worthen speaks about all of the safety precautions that the University is taking to ensure the safety of its students and employees.
5:45 Story about a fire that caused severe damage to two apartment buildings leaving several people homeless and injured two people.
6:07 Spotlight story on Michael Cook. A 3 year old who woke up his parents as the building was catching fire. The family was able to escape the building and survive the incident.
7:02 IFD Firefighter Larry Tucker recounts the events that happened including rescuing two kids aged 12 months and 7 months who were trapped upstairs. Gave the kids mouth to mouth and they were fine. Cause of Fire undetermined.
*10:27 Howard Caldwell and Reggie Miller’s interview includes Reggie’s Wife Marita Miller is moving to LA full time to pursue her acting career. Reggie is fully supportive of his wife’s decision. Caldwell asks on the Miller’s thoughts on having children. They responded that it will be in the future, but not in the picture at the moment.
Segment 5: Howard's One On One with Jerry Van Dyke 19:09; Howard's Perspective starts at 46:34; also includes WRTV 6 News
Segment 5
A Newscast composing of the day’s news. James Adams and Barbara Lewis catch you up on the latest stories happening around the Country. At the end of the segment, Howard Caldwell comes on to discuss his interview with Jerry Van Dyke
0:02 Segment starts talking about US Air airlines is being questioned about their safety and their recent flight crashes. Safety allegations are beginning to swirl around the airline. US air said that the Time’s investigation is full of false and misleading information
1:16 News anchor mentions that US Air had another close call that day as a flight that was landing had landing gear issues in Syracuse New York. US Air Stock not affected
*1:42 All victims from American flight 4148 have been identified.
2:23 International Aircraft association says that aircraft with less than 31 seats are a real hazard. Aviation expert says that commuter airlines serving Indianapolis pose no real threat to safety.
3:04 Graphic shows commuter planes that have the most trouble being the Beech 99 and the DeHavilland Twin Otter.
3:21 Paul Simon will not seek re-election in the senate in 1996 and has represented Illinois since 1984.
*3:50 Ben Morriston speaks about the Call 6 For Help program. A program designed for needy Hoosiers to call for help to pay their winter heating bill. Interviews include less fortunate Hoosiers who can’t afford to have their Homes heated during the worst part of the Winter.
8:30 Clyde Lee gives his story about how it can be easy to fulfill daily exercise requirements that you can do at home. Dr. William Haskell says that you can exercise at your home or office just by mowing the lawn, using stairs, walking on a daily routine.
11:00 Muncie day segment. People are asked about what they like about living in Muncie and the talks about the Minnitrista Cultural Center.
17:00 Weather report in Indiana.
*19:30 Howard Caldwell “This was back in the mid 50’s Jerry and I were both learning about tv for the first time”. Howard Caldwell interviews Jerry Van Dyke and his coworkers who all have positive things to say about Van Dyke.
*21:25 Jerry Van Dyke “ I love to laugh and I know that other people love to laugh and that the one thing I feel comfortable doing”
21:32 Video suddenly jumps to another news segment. Seems as if the full video had been to this new part of the program.
*21:42 Jack Rinehart in the newsroom with the latest on Gregory Resnover. The fight for life that has taken 14 years has now come down to just hours. Resnover failed in two separate bits to win a stay of his execution.
*22:06 Resnover’s death penalty attorneys never got a chance to present their formal request for an emergency stay of execution. As a judge decided in favor of a state motion. Ruling that the governor need only consider the issue of mercy and not the so-called harmless errors that have slipped into the appeal’s record. Resnover’s attorneys characterized it as just one more injustice.
*22:41 in a separate petition Indiana civil Liberties Union calling electrocution unconstitutional and cruel and unusual punishment. The court rejected the claim saying it was an attempt to manipulate and delay the execution. Segment on Resnovers execution ends at 25:28
20:30 Baby in critical condition after being scalded in boiling water. She is a Riley’s hospital for children. 25 year old James Patrell could face 25 years in jail. The baby’s mother who was not home at the time says that her older daughter admitted to trying to give the baby a bath.
26:30 Former Vice President Dan Quayle leaves the Hospital after a life-threatening blood clot. Saying that he feels better and that this incident will not affect his decision to run for President in 1996.
28:00 Hawkins Westmoreland is missing. The 48 year old ran away from the hospital. He is mentally challenged and his family is very worried as he does not have his medicine or any money to buy food.
31:00 Residents are concerned about lead poisoning in their neighborhood. While the residential area is cleaned up, the long term effects the residence may experience due to their long term exposure has them asking more questions.
*32:34 The Boone County special Olympics charter has been revoked as information has been shown that the program has been mishandling funds and Olympians have had to pay to participate. Ends 32:58
36:00 Weather forecast
39:45 Ed Sorensen is in Market Square arena covering the Indiana Pacers as they take on the Detroit Pistons.
40:13 IU freshman Michael Herman seems to be back on the team. The source is his mom saying that he is practicing with the team again.
41:17 Grant Hill is running away with the NBA rookie of the Year and is being compared to Michael Jordan. Reggie Miller and Byron Scott both rave about the rookie’s ability and how he has little flaws in his game.
42:12 Troy Aikman back at QB for the Cowboys after missing the last two games with a sprained knee. Dallas has won their last two games with Jason Garrett and Rodney Pete.
43:00 LA Raider beat the San Diego Chargers hurting the Colts playoff hopes.
*46:48 The Christmas Season of 53 years ago embraced the usual tradition. Howard Caldwell speaks on the December 7th attack on Pearl Harbor. Caldwell speaks about how teenagers saw the growing up process jump into fast forward. He mentions how they began altering their future plans and began on deciding which uniform they like better (Military Branch they would most want to join). Says how most of them left, some never came back, some came back but were left disabled. And how life was never looked at the same. Caldwell says that the teens of 1941 look at the teenagers today especially those who have future plans and ambitions and smile because “We remember what it was like and realize they have no concept of how it was for people of all ages that Christmas season of 1941 May they never have to know and that’s my perspective” Ends 48:02
Segment 6: WRTV 6 News
Segment 7: Howard's Perspective starts at 25:15 regarding high school closing; also includes WRTV 6 News
Segment 8: Howard's Perspective starts at 24:45; also includes WRTV 6 News
Segment 9: Howard's Perspective starts at 14:30 regarding looking back at 1994; also includes WRTV 6 News