News report on the reopening of Irvington Theatre, renamed Irving Theatre
Howard Caldwell Reports from Irving Theater/Irving Theater
Video: (6:46)
Other Identifier: IBHA.HCC.0066
Notes by Alex Hall, Broadcast Media Analysis, Spring 2022
This film contained a segment of a newscast with Howard Caldwell reporting about the Irving Theater reopening after many years. The building that the theater resides in has been a part of the Irvington community for generations and it seemed as if there was a buzz about the theater around town through the older people who came as kids according to Caldwell.
00:01 Channel 6 News anchor Barbara Lewis opens the segment of the news with a clever opening line about Howard Caldwell and explains that the Irving Theater in Irvington is reopening. Looks like 1980s or 1990s (big 80s or 90s hair, shoulder pads in suits)
*00:13 Howard Caldwell is reporting from Irving Theater is reopening after quite some time and the tickets are $25.00 a person but afterwards only $2.00. The movie critic Dave Smith will be there.
Incue: 0:13 “Barbara if you mentioned the popcorn”
Outcue: 1:41 “Lots of memories out there for me and many others”
The theater was also showing a classic movie “Singing In The Rain” made in the early 1950s, this along with other information presented verified this film was taken between 1971 and 1981 because that's the time period when Dave Smith was a movie critic.
01:43 Cuts to film of School 57 and the Irving Theater in Irvington, and narrated by Caldwell. Caldwell talks about the history of the historical buildings and how preservation efforts were made in the Irving Theater after it was abandoned in the 1960s (“a dozen years ago”)
03:40 Film of Caldwell speaking over workers restoring structures (J’s pictured - possible small business)
04:00 Caldwell interviews one of the main investors in preserving and restoring the theater, Harry Burkhart, Jr. They both spoke about old memories they had coming to see movies as kids.
05:20 Burkhart, Jr showed Caldwell a theater card from 1929
06:04 Burkhart, Jr speaks about wanting to show classic movies and operate every night for now on
06:30 Caldwell sends it to david in a ticket booth in another part of the theater who talks about Gene Kelly being in one of the films that night then says goodbye to the audience
06:46 Stocks screen shows up, clock on screen says 11:00 and music is playing