Howard Caldwell interviews David Brinkley
Video (08:32)
(Notes by Ally Melnik, J450 History of Journalism, Fall 2021)
This is a video of Howard Caldwell doing an interview with reporter and author David Brinkley. In it they talk about Brinkley’s new book, “Washington Goes to War.”
00:00 video calibrates and winds up
00:06 Caldwell starting interview with Brinkley, making small talk
00:36 Caldwell introduces David Brinkley, his book
01:01 Brinkley talking about the war his book is over, people working during the war (WWII)
02:19 Brinkley talking about social elite in Washington during the war vs. now throwing parties
03:54 Brinkley talking about if he’d prefer dealing with FDR or Reagan in terms of press
04:42 Brinkley talking about not referencing himself in his book or using first person
05:32 Brinkley talking about a page Caldwell referenced a quote from, wanting to nationalize radio stations
06:37 Brinkley talking about if network news has progressed since 1970
06:37 IC “Well it’s progressed, Howard, in the sense…”
07:26 OC “So we do a better job…”
07:37 Brinkley talking about things lacking in news technology/process
08:17 Caldwell ends interview
08:26 video stops playing, frozen picture
08:32 cut to black