Live Local Late Breaking 6 News; Indiana Business This Week, discussing breaking news and current events
Indiana Business This Week;
Created By: Gerry Dick & Vince Robinson;
Producer: Marc Lotter;
Editor: Joe Rodecap
Title: Channel 6 Morning News and Indiana Business This Week
Video: 28:54
(Notes by Lauren Winnefeld, J470 Broadcast Media Analysis, Spring 2022 )
This clip is a newscast (both audio and video) including programs regarding Internet2, the plummeting stock market, the Indiana Sports Corporation, and an employee shortage. Other segments include a conversation about a GM strike, the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal, and a wine tasting convention.
0:08: clip starts with introduction by Gai-Linn Bartnick with music in the background. She talks of the search for subjects in the bombing of the Tippecanoe county courthouse.
0:17: clip of Lafayette and an explanation on how someone drove a pickup truck full of gasoline straight into the courthouse. There is a reward for $10,000 for whoever finds the suspect.
0:38: Kevin Gregory is now in the broadcast, and he discusses the weather
0:44: cut to a visual of the 5 Day Forecast
0:54: Introduction to Indiana Business This Week by Bartnick
1:03: Indiana Business this Week begins (introduction)
1:12: Gerry Dick talks about a plane crash about a stock market death, and the return of workers to GM
1:32: Introduction to the top stories of Indiana Business by Dick to Kevin Doran?
1:37: cut to a clip of a GM Plant followed by an interview of an employee who had been off for five weeks(1:44)
1:46 It is revealed that the GM strike cost the company over 2 billion dollars and 10,000 workers had been laid off.
1:56 GM is spinning off its Delphi motor systems (clips of Delphi)
2:00: Delphi is the biggest supplier of auto parts and will be fully independent (16,500 workers).
2:10 Dr. Randal Braddum? Is the new Chief Executive and Medical Director
*2:20: Clip of Downtown IUPUI campus and Indiana is at the hub of the Internet and only open to students and research/development.
Incue: 2:20- “When the next generation of the Internet comes online”
Outcue: 3:09- “drawing card for high tech firms and researchers”
Length: 0:49
Talks about: It is revealed that 130 research universities chose IU as the control center and will be on the IUPUI campus. There is an interview with Michael McRobbie (IU VP) talking about Internet2 and how to keep that data running.
3:10: clips of an airplane in a field with a discussion about a plane crash after taking off out of Columbus
3:30: grapes are a valuable crop in Indiana, with clips of a wine tasting party at the Indiana State Fairgrounds in the Farm Bureau Building
3:40: various clips of wine distribution with the knowledge that 20 wineries are in business in Indiana
3:44: interview with Dr. Charles Thomas (Chateau Thomas Winery) discussing the multi-million dollar wine industry in Indiana
4:00: most wineries are in southern Indiana because the temperature is better for growing grapes (with more clips of the wine tasting), but there are still successful wineries in Indy, Plainfield, and Bloomington
4:10: outro of top stories by Kevin Doran? And returning to Dick
*4:15: Dick explains that the stock market dropped 300 points in one day alone
Incue: 4:15- “Three weeks after hitting a new record”
Outcue: 6:34- “Looking forward to your comments next week”
Length: 2:20
Talks about: Introduction of Mark Patton talking about the stock market crash and how the Hong Kong market dropped 5% overnight. Patton explains how a Wall Street analyst decided he would be bearished on the stock market, leading to the crash. There is a graphic showing the reasons for market correction with emphasis on the Clinton/Lewinsky factor, continues asian concerns, slowing economy, and corporate earnings concerns. The plummet it a bit different from others, which means that this is a good time for Hoosiers to invest.
6:35: Dick thanks Patton and speaks of crazy sports promotions in Indy, especially at Colts games, by Ray Compton
6:45: clip of Ray Compton of the Indianapolis Colts talking during the Motivational Minute segment
7:14: Ray Compton: “Do something different tomorrow, because that’s what my business is.” And an encouragement of overcoming hurdles.
7:50: back to Dick talking about the Supreme Court refusing a White House lawyer and an introduction of Peter Rusthoven (Barnes & Thornburg) talking about the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal
8:17: Camera pans to Rusthoven talking about the matter
8:35: executives are dealing with criminal liability, can’t go to their corporate counsel because they’re very ‘stingy’
9:03: a tough line is discussed about serious business responsibilities about potential legal problems
9:36: Dick revealed that Rusthoven was in the Reagan White House and asked about his observation on the issues
9:50: the knowledge that Rusthoven learned in the Reagan White House gave him no experience to what is relevant to what is happening in the Clinton scandal and how no one questioned the President
10:20: the personal council would represent the President instead of the White House lawyers
10:28: dismissal of Rusthoven from the show
10:33: Dick talks about the upcoming segment with the business calendar and the Kelley commentary
10:40: clips of the Pacers playing basketball, girls playing fastpitch, and the commercial introduction (music in the background)
10:53: open to “Indiana Business This Week,” “Indiana Stock Report,” “Business Commentary,” “CEO Profile,” “Business Spotlight” graphics and the mailing address, phone numbers, email, and fax of Indiana Business This Week (to Mark Waters or Vince Robinson)
12:17: crediting to WFYI and WRTV
12:20: Reach WFYI on the world wide web with website and email (graphic)
12:40: Reach 6News with website and graphic of computer screen
12:51: Commercial for SCORE, Counselors to America’s Small Business
13:09: Commercial for Leon Tailoring Co. with multiple clips regarding affordable, quality suits, and customer satisfaction (music in background)
13:40: Commercial for the Indianapolis Indians at Victory Field in black and white (music in the background)- “Victory is Ours”
14:09: Commercial for Tim Hogan’s Carpet Outlet (music in background)
14:18: Commercial for Healthy Living with Teresa Tanoos with latest developments in medicine
14:30: Commercial for ABC6 News with multiple clips of news broadcasting (music in background)
14:48: Commercial for “ER” on TV
14:57: Commercial with Dan Dalton at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University, welcoming people to Kelley and congratulating graduates and hopes for future achievements
15:28: Commercial for Best Buy Ider Box and a camera cut to Zachary from Cedar Park, TX. A drawing moves as Zachary calls Best Buy the “Daddy Store” and talks about his dad and how they watch movies
15:57: Commercial with a bride crying and her dad? Trying to comfort her with a Pepsi.
16:28: Program with Dick returns talking about the panAmerican games and the Final Four with an introduction of the president of the Indiana Sports Corporation in the CEO profile.
*16:57: it is revealed that the sports corporation is the top in it’s field, and Dan Neuburger speaks of the matter- “Top Sports Commission in the country”
Incue: 16:57- “top in its field, right?”
Outcue: 20:04- “It’s gonna be great”
Length: 3:16
Talks about: Revealed that Indy is one of the first cities to quantify teh real impact of the sporting events coming to Indy, including the Indy500, collegiate and high school events, and has brought in billions of dollars with a high level of economic activity. There is a conversation about business plans and competition with surrounding cities. There are multiple clips of the various athletic events with graphics regarding Neuberger. The World Basketball championships are revealed as the biggest event that Neuberger has ever had. Hoosier basketball fans will turn out.
20:05: Neuberger is dismissed from the show and Dick talks about Indiana’s budget surplus
20:20: Introduction of Kelley commentary
20:24: cut to Morton Marcus standing in front of a green screen with the Kelley Commentary talking about budgets and about giving money back and how Indiana has missed opportunities about sales tax and lack of spending as it was accumulated. It is a big liability and a question about who should get the money.
22:09: cut back to Dick about retaining workers in Indiana businesses and problems with the Chamber of Commerce- introduces Carol D’Amico from the Hudson Institute
22:34: D’Amico talks about the employee shortage for the next 10-20 years and talks about how critical it is with baby boomers
23:02: cuts to clips of the Hudson Institute with Dick talking in the background
23:27: D’Amico talks about how employers are trying to hire and retain good employees and how they can’t find skilled workers sometimes
23:43: Dick and D’Amico talk about recruitment issues and an employment conference in Indy
24:10: D’Amico is dismissed from the show and Dick talks of the business calendar
24:16: a graphic appears regarding the business calendar (retail sales, producer price index, and industrial production) and when they will be discussed
24:35: camera is back to Dick and he offers for people to make comments and story ideas to Indiana Business.
24:43: graphics appear for the Indiana Business with phone numbers, address, and email
25:08: Dick thanks the audience for watching Indiana Business This Week and there is a graphic that appears after his dismissal (music in the background) with credits of commentary and directors
26:10: Commercial for Indiana University (music in background and clips of people talking)
26:41: Commercial for ProLiance Energy (music in background and clips of people talking)
27:10: Commercial with a bride crying and her dad? Trying to comfort her with a Pepsi.
27:43: Commercial for Indiana Business This Week and their partnerships with other broadcasters and the Kelley School
28:00: A Coming Up graphic shows that is going to be on the news
28:03: Bartnick is introduced again and talks about stories of survival about a mother and child that were buried under the rubble of an Embassy bombing and a revitalization of a new school
28:23: Gregory chimes in about the weather, and a graphic about a 5 day forecast (music in the background)
28:50: Bartnick thanks the audience and invites them back at 6, screen goes black