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A radio broadcast from 1955 discussing current events, such as the recovery of President Eisenhower's heart attack on August 25th, 1955 and the first World Series win for the Brooklyn Dodgers;
Includes a 1955 Christmas Special, where Howard interviews friends and family about the past year and upcoming year, including his wife, Helen, whom he married in 1955
Howard Caldwell Interviews Friends & Family About Upcoming Year/Discusses current events (1955).  
Audio (1:16:45) 

(Notes by Dimitri Dewig, J470 Broadcast Media Analysis, Spring 2022 )
Howard Caldwell gives a radio broadcast about current events in the time of 1955 around the time of fall. He interviews friends and family including his wife Helen about the past year and the upcoming year.  

*0:19: Audio starts with an advertisement for Stars of Stories? A show about dancing airing Thursdays 6:30-7:30 available in black and white.  

1:05: Talks about president Eisenhower’s heart attack and how two unnamed republican senators want him to run for another term.  

1:45: The Dodgers won their first world series and were located in Brooklyn at the time, they beat the Yankees in 7 games.  

2:22: Radio broadcaster announces there are Russians coming to America to check out American architecture and that people are not happy. He goes on to read a letter calling them communists and that they are promoting propaganda that is hurtful to the US.  

5:06: He tells the listeners that the BMV in Indiana is issuing 2 million new 1956 license plates and encourages drivers to come and get their license plates changed.  

7:02: Broadcaster discusses a horse display competition in Lafayette, Indiana where a few people won specifically with palomino horses.  

8:22: Starts talking about Robert Brinkman, a candidate for public office in the 1956 city election and how he has filed accusations against Joseph A. Conrad Jr. 

8:22: Incue “These papers contain..” 

9:38: Outcue “These attacks on my name are unwarranted” 

Length: 1:16 

Talks about Brinkman filing charges against Joe Conrad for mishandling funds under the Harrison Township financials. Conrad responded in a letter appalled by the allegations. This is interesting because the way it was conducted over the radio did not make it out to be entertaining but informative for the listener and almost objective in all aspects.  

12:22: Washington mining union leader John L. Lewis suffered a heart attack at 75 but was expected to make a full recovery, apparently a very known man at the time.  

15:05: Dave Wampler presents “Who's Who” for Wabash basketball 

**seems as if audio switches from newscast to home audio recordings of the Caldwells 

16:46: Caldwell interviews his wife Helen about the past year, Christmas and next year. 

17:41: Helen tells the listeners about when she became a wife and their Christmas plans.  

19:45: Caldwell talks to his cousin Dave about the upcoming year and how he feels about it.  

20:40: Howard and Dave talk about his car and note that “radio is not dead,” and how much he enjoys his car that he drives.  

22:06: Howard moves onto his mother named Annie Mable and she talks about her accomplishments from the year including getting an education and learning french.  

24:54: She goes on to tell him that her and his father are going to Europe and talks about playing scrabble.  

25:49: Howard starts interviewing his father  

27:20: Howard Sr tells us that his favorite author is from Europe and he wants to visit his hometown while he and Annie are in Europe.  

27:49: Howard Sr. explains he wants to learn about the politics and economics of Europe. So he plans to travel to the local bars and ask the townspeople about Europe. 

27:47: Incue “You wanted to talk to people..” 

28:02: Outcue “ the country” 

Length Time: 0:15 

Howard Sr explains that in order to learn about international affairs in Europe he needs to talk to the local people in bars about economics, culture, and what is going on in general in the country he wouldn't know in America. This is interesting because it gives insight to how people learned about other countries and their way of life before the internet and social media.  

30:17: Howard Sr explains he has the biggest advertisement agency in Indiana now with 42 employees.  

33:10: Howard and his father Howards Sr discuss the battle with other agencies for big name brands such as Costco to advertise through their agencies.  

36:34: Howard Sr talks about trees he planted nearly 7 years ago in Brown County Indiana and now they are big strong trees people can buy as Christmas trees. 

38:37: the interview ends followed by the sound of random conversation in the background  

39:54: Howard slowly starts talking to his mother again but this time casually just making conversation.  

42:45: Caldwell begins a formal interview with a professor from Columbia. 

44:47: The professor explains he teaches French and is currently working on a French poetry thesis. 

*46:24: The interview swiftly cuts off for some reason and Howard suddenly begins talking to his wife. I think the audio might have been cut out.  

*49:50: The audio is wavering again as he begins to interview I believe is his sister. It cuts in and out and he addresses this now.  

51:42: Caldwell and his family members/friends begin singing a Christmas song.  

56:10 For the past few minutes it is rambling on about small talk between all kinds of people as if there is no one really paying attention to the recorder.  

59:10: Talking to his mom about what her plans are here soon for a pageant she helps with and she tells Caldwell she just wants to rest for the holidays.  

1:01:46: Caldwell tells his friend Steve to let his song speak on the recorder because it will be the first words he has spoken that will be recorded.  

1:02:18: The kid is too shy to speak up so they convene maybe next year he will.  

1:04:58: The interview time with Howard ends, and switches back to original new broadcasting. 

*1:06:01: The broadcast cuts out again.  

1:06:08: The broadcast resumes.  

1:08:18: Scientist are finding places and ways to test atomic and hydrogen bombs without harming americans in near by cites and states from the after effects.  

1:010:40: The broadcaster is talking about new soda cans in beer packaging that are very colorful.  

1:13:30: A girl is interrupting the broadcaster in announcing a highschool shutting down. I am not sure who it is.  

1:16:30: The rates in counties local taxpayers have to pay have been deemed unreasonable by local townships and they are starting a petition to get them lowered.  

1:16:45: The audio ends as an advertisement for a new soda starts to be announced.