Howard's Indiana about the three Van Dykes. Brothers Jerry and Dick and their uncle Ralph
(Notes by Blake Spillers, J450 Broadcast Media Analysis, Spring 2022 )
This video is a story about the Van Dyke brothers' uncle Ralph. Howard Caldwell talks with him about what the brothers were doing before show business and how he has lived a very happy life even without all the money that his nephews have made.
0:01: video starts with a shot of traffic with loud music in the background as the intro for the channel six news starts. With a journalist giving a rundown of what was going to be on the show that night.
0:06: video goes to a man talking about the Jack Crawford(?) resignation
0:13: video goes to a shot of people working in a factory with a quick audio clip that goes with the shot.
0:19: video goes back to an introduction of sorts. Audio of someone telling the audience who is on the show: Clyde Lee, Dion Willis, Ed Sorenson, and Bob McClane.
0:31: video goes to a close shot of Howard Caldwell talking about the Van Dyke brothers.
0:46: video goes to a clip of the “Dick Van Dyke Show”, and a couple seconds into the footage Caldwell starts talking about what the show is about. He mentioned it was on during the 60’s and included a couple cast members' names like Mary Moore and Dick’s brother Jerry. The audio changed over to go with the clip from the show.
1:28: video goes outside somewhere showing an angel made of lights potentially. The audio is of people singing.
1:34: We find out they are in Marion because of a lower third. The video is still from outside showing the angel but Caldwell was talking for the audio. He was talking about the Van Dyke show again.
1:46: video goes to Caldwell outside in Marion talking about how Ralph Van Dyke lives in Marion and knew them before they had their hit show. He is the uncle of Jerry and Dick.
2:03: video goes to Ralph walking on a sidewalk and then goes to Ralph talking inside about how Dick was selling shoes for him and when he said he was going to be an actor, Ralph said he’d starve.
2:23: video shows pictures of the Van Dyke brothers as Howard is talking about how they got into their careers.
2:33: shot goes back to Ralph talking about how Jerry was more of an athlete.
2:40: video goes to some old pictures and then of Ralph on the couch looking through pictures.
2:58: video goes to footage from the show “Coach” including some audio from the show.
3:09: video goes to Caldwell and Ralph walking outside talking about how Ralph still talks to his nephews and that he’s still happy with how his life has turned out.
3:09: incue “Many years ago”
3:45: outcue “as he is of them”
This was really interesting to me because it really highlights that even though Ralph isn’t as rich or famous that he is still enjoying his life just as much, and that you don’t need all of those things to have a very good life.
3:49: video goes back to the studio where Caldwell and an unnamed woman anchor as they have a quick send off of the story with a short conversation.
3:58: screen goes to black as the video ends.