Howard Caldwell Addressing The Indianapolis Times (no audio)
Video [without audio/silent] (1:45)
(Notes by Kamil Gut, J450 History of Journalism, Fall 2021 )
Synopsis: This video, which is in black and white and silent, shows Howard Caldwell and other men addressing employees for the Indianapolis Times at a conference/meeting of some sort. There are plaques and awards showcasing what seems to be various achievements the Times staff has earned.
0:00 – video starts, black and white of room full of people sitting down, Caldwell stands up at podium and speaks, ‘Indianapolis Press Club’ posted on front of lectern
0:26 – shows women and men alike (members of the Times?) listening to Caldwell (at a restaurant? tables seem that way)
0:38 – edition of some front page(s) of newspaper displayed (engraved in metal/silver?)
0:59 – two other men get up to speak, people applaud
Some sort of wooden plaque containing dozens of engraving plates is unveiled/displayed (names? achievements? quality too poor to determine), video ends
01:28 IC: Cuts to plaque being displayed and a woman looking at it
01:45 OC: A close-up of plaque is shown, video ends
Length 00:17