Promotion Spot. Special Report: The Air Media and You
Notes by Olivia Sandstedt, J450 History of Journalism, Fall 2021
3:02 unique report in commercial broadcasting, letters received, summer, seminars
5:00-6:00 the seminars worked out solutions to major community problems (gov, education), there will be an improvement in civil rights
7:08 map of Indiana, weather cast, surrounding Indianapolis- its the political, educational, cultural and economic and business center of the state
9:13 state fair, highest standard of living
10:10 WFBM special summer seminar project- Don Macky, community service workshops and clinics
12:20 Jim Grant was needed for the project
14:00-16:40 the project, Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations, concerns with human relations, WFBM discusses the issue but not in detail
17:00-21 Jim- describe putting the seminars together, working with different groups, first How-To sessions, 3 basic approaches: have officials come in, go to the chamber of commerce, getting invitation list and putting schedule together, and sending letters to invite people to come in and requested a fee of 3 dollars. Signs, invitations, got folders of info about broadcasting in America
21:10-22:58 first meeting, communications clinic, Toastmasters Club, women don’t understand the mechanics such as loud commercial
23:35-25:37 council of women july 15, question and answer concerning air media, this media of communication is at its beginning and be of great value
28-29 community affairs seminar july 21, civil rights and human relations
30 july 29, law enforcement problems within the state,
31-38 august 5, newspaper editor seminar, export import ration between west and east Germany delivery of goods, and relations between Berliners and American troops- said the relations were excellent (talking about Russian occupation, beginning of blockade), statement on how west Berliners come in, it's good propaganda, economic and political reasons for escape of people
38:12-40: Bill Crandle- about Soviets closing border between east and west Berlin, asks how the Soviets could block this border- doubts they can block it
40:40 example: doctors could set up a program with officer in west German, interview
41:21 didn’t have time for all questions at the newspaper seminar, relationship of refugees to the farm situation, Tom Carnegie got into youth and athletic situation
42:18 august 9 mid week meeting- community progress, 19 communities
43:30-45:30 Bill- chamber of commerce talks about 5 things: suburban, economic development, public improvement, paying government, communication problems
46:10 evidence on importance and strength of TV systems, 4 VHF
47:02 community progress seminar with Bill: impact of communications seminar- people must be prepared and educated to progress
48:45 civil defense seminar, members were government officials, gov of Indiana, Frank Ellis in washington
50:45 Vance Hartkey
52:53 Suburbanite newspaper
54:15 youth affairs seminar, emotionally disturbed youth, crime and violence on TV does not influence the youth
55:40 Peter Pan film would be of least distress to the mentally ill, where censorship and programming watching decisions
56:36 youth citizenship seminar, students (local and international), meaning of citizenship
57:58 evaluate the project, asks if it was worth it, no direct on air broadcasting of these meetings, programs are direct results of seminars, good citizenship is one of their most important products