Interviews with Indiana Pacers Reggie Miller and comedian Jerry Van Dyke
One on One with Reggie Miller and Jerry Van Dyke
Video (23:15)
(Notes by Ally Melnik, J450 History of Journalism, Fall 2021 )
This is an episode of Howard Caldwell’s show “One on One” where he interviewed Jerry Van Dyke and Reggie Miller. His interview with Van Dyke talked about what it was like living under his brother Dick’s shadow, as well as the fame he found later in life. The interview with Miller talked about growing up playing basketball and what the next season with the Indiana Pacers is going to look like.
00:00 One on One intro sequence, including B roll and voice over
00:56 Caldwell introduces show
01:06 IC “Yet their stories reveal…”
01:21 OC “Never, ever give up.”
01:44 One on One logo
01:46 cut to black
01:47 One on One logo
01:53 Caldwell introducing first part (Jerry Van Dyke)
02:17 B roll and voice over
02:53 Jerry talking about being Dick Van Dyke’s brother and living under his shadow
03:04 B roll and voice over
03:16 Jerry talking about meeting his wife, her effect on him
03:58 B roll and voice over
04:06 Jerry talking about leaving Hollywood in 1982 because he couldn’t get on the Bob Newhart Show
04:46 B roll and voice over
04:55 Jerry talking about getting on “Coach”
05:25 B roll and voice over
05:43 Jerry talking about his life and experiences in Terre Haute
06:31 B roll and voice over
06:38 Jerry talking about his experience in clubs and getting up to being on “Coach”
06:50 B roll and voice over
07:36 Shelly Fabares talking about Jerry being “the funniest man in her life”
07:51 Craig T. Nelson talking about working with Jerry and how funny he is
08:11 B roll and voice over
08:37 Bill Fagerbakke talking about Jerry being funny
08:50 Jerry talking about what he’d say to his GM from Terre Haute now
09:07 One on One logo previewing what’s after commercial
09:21 cut to black
09:22 One on One logo
09:25 Caldwell introducing next segment (Reggie Miller)
09:58 B roll and voice over
09:58 Reggie talking about being born and his feet being turned inward
11:37 his mom talking about his healing process as a child
12:01 B roll and voice over
12:25 his dad talking about Reggie’s awards in their home
12:50 B roll and voice over
12:58 his parents talking about the competition between Reggie and his sister
14:18 B roll and voice over
14:28 his dad talking about Reggie practicing at home
14:38 B roll and voice over
14:47 his dad talking about Reggie practicing as a kid at home, making a bigger basketball court, playing basketball games as a family
16:16 B roll and voice over
17:06 Reggie and his wife talking about their schedules on/off basketball season
18:02 B roll and voice over
18:23 Reggie talking about who he is on/off the court
19:06 B roll and voice over
19:20 Reggie talking about what kind of player he is, what this season entails
20:02 B roll and voice over
20:19 Reggie talking about fan reaction toward him (they booed but not sure why), when he knows his time playing is over
22:03 One on One logo
22:08 cut to black
22:09 One on One logo
22:12 Caldwell signing off the show
22:31 One on One logo, credits
23:03 B roll with Jerry Van Dyke
23:15 cut to black