Indiana Broadcast History Archive

The Story of the Jews: The Indiana Story




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"Sephardic Jews, who trace their origins to Spain and Portugal prior to the Inquisition, were dispersed all over the globe when the Order of Expulsion was issued in 1492. Many of those Jews were invited to settle in the Ottoman Empire, which included lands that we now know as Greece, Turkey and Macedonia. A little over one hundred years ago, a group of Sephardic Jews from two cities, Monastir, now known as Bitola in Macedonia, and Salonika, now known as Thessaloniki, in northern Greece, settled on the Southside of Indianapolis. At the same time, African Americans, seeking a better life away from the South, migrated north with many also finding a home on the Indianapolis Southside. Thus, both cultures participated in an exodus seeking the promise of a new land and they found each other in a neighborhood south of where Lucas Oil Stadium now sits. It is there they would live side by side in racial harmony for generations. Their story is a living lesson in race relations."--WFYI