00:00-00:01:47: News segment discussing the Indianapolis 500;
01:47-03:20: Indianapolis Pacers going to Orlando, Florida and fans' heart health;
03:23-04:48: Sold out Market Square Arena and the Indianapolis Pacers, the pinwheel distractions from fans;
04:49-06:07: Indianapolis Pacers' fans for the games against Orlando, Magic;
06:07-08:28: Comparing Ground Hog Day movie with Ground Hog Day in Indianapolis;
08:28-10:13: The reactions of employees due to the permanent closing of the Ampad plant;
10:14-12:08: Rebuilding a house that was destroyed by a storm. Volunteers helping tear down and rebuild;
12:10-13:45: A man murdered after complaining about a neighbor leaving trash outside of his apartment;
13:46-15:40: "Uppity Blues Women" A trio of women singing uplifting blues songs;
15:42-17:43: Story of kids causing issues that interferes with the quality of the neighborhoods and effect on local businesses;