Interview with jazz musician, Benny Goodman
Video (18:27)
(Notes by Ally Melnik, J450 History of Journalism, Fall 2021 )
This is a collection of interviews, B roll and the actual taping of the newscast of Caldwell’s story over Benny Goodman. Goodman was playing a fundraising event for the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra.
00:00 black screen that reads “Howard Caldwell’s Interviews”
00:06 black screen that reads “Benny Goodman”
00:10 cut to black
00:12 B roll of a record playing, showing old photos
01:21 Goodman talking about the ‘30s and ‘40s and playing then, swing music hopefully lasting
02:40 B roll of Goodman walking, old photos, record spinning
10:29 Goodman talking about his personality on stage, how he plays calmly, how he directed his orchestra/musicians, the moment his music caught on
12:23 Goodman introducing himself and announcing a fundraiser for the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
12:23 IC “I’m Benny Goodman…”
13:04 OC “904-6324.”
13:16 clip of random man
13:17 cut to black
13:24 B roll of Goodman playing in orchestra (Indianapolis?)
13:42 Caldwell talking about Goodman in front of Indiana Theater building
14:04 B roll and voice over
14:40 Caldwell interviewing Goodman at airport in 1976 talking about traveling theater days, clip from 10:29
15:50 B roll of Goodman playing
16:11 cut to black
16:12 cut to news anchor talking about event and Goodman, goes to Caldwell live at event split screen
16:28 cut to full screen on Caldwell at Indiana Roof Ballroom, people there to hear Goodman
17:09 B roll of the event’s rehearsal
17:38 Caldwell interviewing music director George Nicoloff live
18:25 cut back to split screen with news anchor
18:27 cut to black