We consider this website just the beginning. We would like to grow the archive into a crowd-sourced place where you can learn about the history of Indiana radio and television stations, through archive material, stories, and documentaries. We would like to host conferences dedicated to Indiana broadcasting. We are developing specific courses so students can learn about our history and help us advance our understanding. We would like to work with stations to help them digitize their history and allow Hoosiers to learn more about their work. We would like to interview as many broadcasters as possible. We would like to connect with all archives, libraries, and other organizations that have already done their part by saving some part of our broadcast history.
The Indiana Broadcast History Archive will only reach its potential with more resources. Our initial grant got us this far and now we're hoping there are people, grant organizations, and foundations out there interested in helping us expand this project. If you have archive material you would like to donate to the IBHA, or if you would like to help us research and write stories about our history, please get in touch with the IBHA.
If you would like to help us with a monetary contribution, click on the Donate button below to go to our fund site at the IU Foundation. Our immediate financial needs include hiring students to help us on both the website and archive side to add more content and make more of the archive searchable and visible. We also need to pay for digitizing audio and moving picture formats that are not available here at Indiana University. We would also be able to grow with full or part-time staff to help with oral history interviews, outreach with Indiana television and radio stations as well as other archives, and organizing and staging conferences dedicated to exploring Indiana radio and television history.