Written and Produced by Ken Montgomery;
Interviews Produced by Angela Gilmer;
Associate Producer: Steve Stoesz;
Videographers Alan Dhayer, Jeff Coats, Ken Montgomery, Adriana De Aguiar & Angela Gilmer;
Editors: Ken Montgomery & Alan Dhayer
Small Town In A City, A
Video & Audio (51:58)
(Notes by Blake Spillers, J470 Broadcast Media Analysis, Spring 2022 )
This video is about both the history and the current stance of the Indianapolis City Market. Howard Caldwell deals with mainly the history of the market and interviewing people talking about their personal experiences. Reid Duffy went from vendor to vendor talking to owners/workers about what kind of food they have and how there are so many different kinds of vendors at the market.
0:01: Video starts in some building with the journalist talking in the background
0:05: video switches to outside showing a couple of buildings with the journalist still talking
0:09: video switches to people sitting at a table in a marketplace?, journalist talks about a marketplace
0:18: footage goes to outside where we are told they are talking about the Indianapolis City Market, the camera then pans over who we now know as Howard Caldewell and Reid Duffy who give a brief description of what they are going to be talking about
0:49: Caldwell starts giving a description of the history of the market of Indianapolis with photos being shown
2:16: camera goes back to Caldwell walking on the street, he talks about a story of Gid Thompson and berries, which leads to him saying vendors have been the heart of the market
2:46: interview starts with JoAnn Rubin who talks about what she thinks is the best part of the market.
3:02: camera goes to Duffy who talks more about vendors but specifically about the oldest vendor there, “Raimondi’s”. He then interviews a man who runs that vendor who talks about how long he has been there at that market. He talks about what is the most popular item at his vendor
3:02: Incue “fortunately for us”
3:47: Outcue “people are eating more prepared”
Duffy talked with a vendor who has been at the marketplace the longest, and the vendor talks about how long he’s been there and what the people are buying at his vendor.
3:48: Duffy takes the audience to the vendor “Potato Place” with owner Irena Smith? They talk about the potatoes and toppings, and what the people’s favorite is
4:41: Duffy and camera then go to what he calls “the crown Jewel” “Libby’s Deli” with current owners Larry and Carol. They talk about who “Libby” is, we find out she is retired. Libby’s Cony, is the speciality, combination of all meats plus with bbq sauce. It’s a family recipe.
5:39: Duffy goes to a gift basket shop, the owner or worker’s name is Sally. They provide a little bit of everything. Abbott’s chocolate is served there.
6:22: Duffy goes to the “Indiana Bread Company” vendor. Speaks with Rob Mccabe about what they focus on which is fresh breads of sorts and other things
6:57: Camera goes back to showing graphics with Caldwell talking in background. Steven Tomlinson gave all of his stuff to his wife Mary as long as all of the holdings would go to the city to make a grand public building in the market area upon her death.
7:50: Camera goes back to showing Caldwell where he continues to talk about more of the history of the location of the marketside.
8:06: Screen goes back to the graphics with Caldwell talking about Diedrick Bolin, a local architect. He had the plans to build a market building, called “Tomlinson Hall”
8:52: graphics still on screen, but with a guest speaking about the new building, the guest gets put on camera where we find out her name is Frances Stout. Video goes back to graphics after showing the name of the guest, and then finishes with the guest back on camera.
9:31: Video goes back to the graphics with Caldwell talking more about the history of the building. Tommy Lauflin? was a prize fighter mentioned when Caldwell was shown back on the screen who came out but forgot to put his boxing shorts on.
9:52: video goes back to Duffy who goes to Lilly Stockton at “Just Cookies”, another vendor, who talks about all they bake there.
10:49: Duffy then goes to another vendor, “Jumbo’s” with the owner Jozz. The owner talked about the naming coming from wanting to have a big sandwich. They have beef stew in a “big” crockpot.
11:39: Duffy goes to “Cath, Inc.” where he talks with Christina Moore, who talks about how they have coffee and sweets. Talks about Cathy, the original order and everyone who remembers her.
12:35: Duffy goes to Aesop’s Kitchen & Cupboard”, talks with Dino about the “Mediterranean” food that they have, gyros most popular food there.
13:47: Duffy goes to “Shine Time Shoe Shine” where he talks with Martin about whether he can tell how a person is based on their shoes. They talk about the approach to shining shoes.
14:49: video goes back to graphics with music playing and Caldwell talking in the background. He talked more about the history of the market. Camera goes back to Caldwell at the market where he talks about the opportunities that the marketplace provided for people, especially immigrants.
15:32: camera goes to guest Mike Raimondi who talks about his father and when he started the vendor at the marketplace. They started on the outside of the marketplace. Camera shows quick graphic
16:01: video goes back to Frances Stout who talks about her grandparents and how they sold produce at the market. Quick graphic of what her grandparents looked like. Talked about a produce they manufactured in their home, but the name of the produce was hard to understand
16:56: video goes back to JoAnne Rubin who talks about a family who had all sorts of vendors.
17:38: video goes to Caldwell and then to a graphic of the people Caldwell referred to as the important people who helped make the marketplace.
18:16: video goes to Duffy who goes to Rita at “Massage by Rita”. He gets a massage.
19:03: video goes to showing portraits done by Frances Johnson. She talks about what she makes. She makes a drawing of Duffy.
20:00: video goes to Duffy going to “Enzo Pizza”. He talks with Erica Romo who talks about the different types of pizza they serve.
20:56: video goes to Duffy at “City Market Deli” and talks with the owner Jason Smith about what people are looking for in their deli sandwiches. They have a salad bar as well.
21:50: video goes to Duffy visiting “Muggins”, which is an American grill. He talked with owner Tim Clamton? Talking again about what they serve.
22:41: video goes back to showing a graphic of the marketplace in the past. Caldwell talked about the challenges that the marketplace has gone through. JoAnne comes back on camera and so does Mike Raimondi where they both talk about the past of the marketplace in their experience. Frances Stout also came back on camera. The video goes back and forth between these people the whole time during this section.
22:42: Incue “as Indianapolis moved”
25:58: Outcue “in three different sections”
This was a very interesting part of the video because it gave the perspective of multiple people and how they remember certain past experiences from the market, and just how important it is.
25:59: video goes back to Duffy at another vendor, “Tropical Treats”. He talks with Anthony Pardue” about what they serve there which is jerk chicken, beans, rice, and fresh fruit. They talk about the jerk sauce which was described as “like bbq with more spice”.
26:48: video goes to Duffy at the “Hot Shop” where he talks with Pat Grimes. They have a ton of hot sauces, dolls, and Jeff Gordon “stuff”
27:34: video goes to Duffy at “Big Dipper” where he talks with Tom Richards. They have ice cream and yogurt.
28:23: Duffy goes to “Ali’s Food Mart” and talks with Ali. Ali talks about the store being like a convenience store.
29:00 video goes to Duffy at another vendor, “Philadelphia Steak and Fries”. He talks with Chris Bartock about the Philly steak and what goes on one.
29:55: video goes back to Caldwell where he has an introduction into personal stories from people at the vendor. Pat Payne was interviewed first, she talked about her father and how he would work at the marketplace to pay for his college education at IU. She also talks about early memories for her from the market. And again Mike Raimondi and JoAnne Rubin are interviewed talking about some of their memories as well. The video showed some graphics of old pictures of the marketplace as well. Dr. Bill Fulton was also interviewed and talked about when he used to work at the marketplace.
33:36: video goes to Caldwell outside the market. He talked about a fire that burnt down Tomlinson Hall. Mike Raimondi and Pat Payne were interviewed first and talked about what they remember about the fire. Graphics of the fire were also shown. The fire was caused by faulty wiring. Over $200,000 in damage at the time. At the end we find out that the arch where Caldwell was standing is the last part of the old Tomlinson Hall.
35:53: video goes back to Duffy who’s now at the vendor “Ameer” where he talks about this being one of the many international food vendors. Ameer is a middle eastern restaurant. He talked with Jamal who said they have a lot of healthy foods that are fresh
37:13: video now cuts to Duffy at the next vendor, “Rice Bowl”. Which is a Filipino restaurant. The worker talked about having bbq pork which was served with rice. They had a variety of different foods including mixed vegetables.
38:02: video goes to Duffy at “Al’s City Market Shoe Repair”. He talked with Al Williams about whether or not shoe repair is a lost art. Al said that it was a dying art.
39:10: video goes to Jackie Griffin, owner of the “Good Stuff”. It’s a natural product store and part of the store had been a part of the market since 1890. They talked about the popular healthy foods/items of that time.
40:05: video goes to another vendor with Duffy going to “Cella’s Place”. He talked with Cella Mcmaster about how they have a really big menu with lots of varieties. The chicken soup was what was most popular during the interview.
41:01: video goes to a graphic of an old picture of a building with somber music playing in the background. Caldwell then begins talking about what happened after Indy lost the Tomlinson Hall. It was about a case where the people said the land should only be used as a site for a marketplace. Video goes back to Frances Stout who talked about how the people relied on the market.
42:46: video goes to Caldwell in the market talking about positive change in the market. Mayor Richard Luger was the one who abandoned the plan of tearing down the market. Video goes to a graphic and Caldwell talks about how Frank Murray was hired as the market master. He diversified the vendors that were being included in the market. More people started to come because of the many options. It was listed on the national register of historic places. Eugene Beasly announced five million dollars for the restoration of the market.
44:21: video goes to Duffy at “City Market Seafood and Meat” which he described to be one of the most popular vendors at the market. He talked with Brad Reese about how they specialize on fresh seafood but that they have a lot of variety in other food. They have healthy and unhealthy menu items.
45:18: video goes to Duffy at “China Wok” where he talked with Suni? They have a wide variety of Chinese foods like egg rolls and sweet and sour chicken. The most popular item is General Tao?
46:26: video goes to Duffy at “Burda Alterations” where he talked with Burda. They talked about how she does alterations on clothes for both men and women.
47:12: video goes to Duffy at “Downtown New Orleans”, where he talks with Jason Cardwell. They have a fast food concept for their cajun food. They have shrimp, jambalaya, and gumbo.
48:34: video goes to a shot of outside the market. Caldwell starts to talk about the market as footage from inside the market is shown. He talks about when you can come.
49:11: video goes to a shot of Caldwell walking down the stairs from inside the market talking about when he used to go to the market as a child.
49:38: video goes to a lot of the previously interviewed people including JoAnne, Pat, Mike, and new interviewee Vinie Verderame all talking about the bright future of the market.
50:26: video goes to Duffy and Caldwell outside of the market. They finish off their segment and walk away from the camera.
50:44: video goes to a shot of the city and the credits roll
51:35: as credits are coming to an end the video goes inside the market.
51:57: screen goes black as the video ends.