Howard Caldwell reporting stories about issue in India: environmental, political, social
Reports from India, Howard Caldwell and Les Walden
Audio (39:48)
(Notes by Cate Charron, J450 History of Journalism, Fall 2021)
In this audio clip, Howard Caldwell and Les Walden are taking turns transmitting news stories they collected on their trip. Stories include traffic, Kashmir and the government.
*I am not 100% sure what is happening here, but this could be a really interesting clip to highlight on the behind the scenes of transmitting news.*
00:00: jumbled words, in and out connection, they sound like they are trying to get on the same page
00:30: they say they are in Indianapolis, getting reception from New Delhi
01:10: people start to greet the Indianapolis area
01:30: silence or a few words at a time
02:35: Caldwell identifies himself and Les Waldon as the other speaker, who now is having technological difficulties
03:05: Caldwell asks about a story cable? Asking questions to someone off the mic
04:10: they are sending over 5 stories, Walden and Caudill both contributed
05:35: Caldwell: first report, some audio interference, concerning vietnam, food shortage instenfied by a drought
07:30: Caldwell: second report, story on cocktails and bars, prohibition in New Delhi,
08:35: Walden: third report, lots of traffic in New Delhi, battle of vehicles on the road
*10:15: Caldwell: Hindu Sun Times is an outspoken paper in New Delhi, talked with their office about government, interview with person aired, talks about relationship between U.S. and India, Russian influence?, audio is a little cloudy and cuts off (about 5 minutes total segment time), Caldwell recommends for Saturday, Jan. 29th, first 5pm radio report scheduled
10:14: “Now we are starting the fourth story”
16:12: “First 5 p.m. report scheduled”
This broadcast has a really interesting interview talking about politics. There might be more here we could look into and connect the dots.
16:26: Caldwell: unedited story about 10 minutes, may be for Sunday Jan. 30, press freedom and government interview, audio is better but has a slight echo at parts
26:05: time is 5:20 p.m. on a Saturday
26:55: editor’s name from previous interview is F. Nulgaokar I believe, Caldwell spells it out but spoty
29:02: (first news story repeated but in better quality) Caudill: front page of newspaper in New Delhi features stories about the government, Eric Decasta is mentioned as a source
30:40: they are leaving for Kashmir for a day and half
*30:58: tuesday, they will go to US embassy in New Delhi, meeting former IU instructor John Lewis*
Not much on this professor and their relationship but we should look more into this professor
31:33: Wednesday is their independence day, big parade
31:40: going back to new delhi after Kashmir
32:30: small talk about the weather, laughs, jumbled conversation
33:30: sounds like talking but completely inaudible and warped, not Caldwell speaking
34:45: talks about 3 names?, silence
36:16: sounds like they are trying to iron out names but much is inaudible
36:35: Caldwell says “that will do it”
36:47: Caldwell makes jokes about things to tell their wives at home, says bye and signs off
37:38: people speaking in a different language?
38:00: another person is patched in, not sure the topic of conversation, only hears one side of the conversation
39:10: more conversation from other people, maybe in London?, Tahj is someone’s name who was talking